Torchwood rant

Jan 12, 2011 03:08

ooohhh god, I ve been out of the TW fandom for a while (I finally discovered Merlin for me :) god its so great, even if I am really not good at accepting the Arthur/Gwen storyline, to fast, to unconvincin, aaand Gwen is in love with Lancelot and we all know how this will end so no sorry cant really like it, even if I like Guinivere...though there really is no chemistry between them on screen) and I really can`t stand the TW news about the new season (though for me its not really a TW season, cause I liked the way it was before, I even liked CoE ... a bit, though not a whole series in this style...) everytime Im trying to get back into the fandom, I eventually hear the news, and they make me soooo angry and sad, and thats ruining every other thing, cause I loved it being in Wales and cheap scifi and not polit thriller and I love the team, I loved Jack the way he was and Ianto ... Im just reading stories when Im finding some posted from my favourite authors, though reading leads eventually to news and aaargh goddamnit, I hate what RTD is doing to it, why is he doing it? god damn idiot!!!! though I cant leave the fandom for good , cause I MISS THEM I love TW and I love Jack and Ianto and Tosh and Owen and sometimes even Gwen (though this is a bit ruined too, cause I hate that she gets EVERYTHING and as it seems she is going to get Jack eventually, and I think that just wont work, cause they would ruin each other, though really I think it seems to go this way... and of course dont mind Rhys (who I love) and the baby, noooo why should he/she...and its even ruining Doctor Who for me, still havent watched the fifth season (not that I own it, cause its really expensive ) cause I cant stand to see the last episode with Ten and Jack, cant really stand so see that Jack who left CoE, )cause I know he had to sacrifice his own grandchild, though sorry but that ruined him for me more than a bit, and I m not sure I can watch this Jack anymore and I really dont want to see him as a sidekick to Gwen, cause its his Spin off, couldnt have RTD just given Gwen her own TW in america, would have been fine with me, maybe would have even watched it) and the doctor dying, myyyy doctor :( - argh argh argh - I dont think Ianto will come back, am not sure that really would be a good thing, though I am still so angry about the way he died, and is not even mentioned now in the characterization of Jack, he was there and he was important, and thats canon! ok I tend to stop watching a series if they kill my favourite character, though just if the series is not convincing enough alone. I think I would still have watched Torchwood, even after Iantos death, though its just the way he died, and the way it seemed they deal with it in the next season, means it isnt dealed with, I hope this is not so, I m sure I am going to read about it even if I am not going to watch it, cause the concept isnt mine...

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fanfic, doctor who, torchwood, tv, jack/ianto, merlin, ranting

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