Back from the con...

Jun 05, 2012 17:40

... and totally exhausted. But fellow con goers know how that is. Travel was pretty good, only delayed an hour coming back. Poor Kiki had a bag go missing for about 18 hours between Newark and Dallas. Of course that bag had ALL her clothes and a couple thousand dollars worth of materials for the workshop she was giving. But it finally arrived (with a hole in it which is probably why it was set aside and then FORGOTTEN in Newark), with everything in it.

I only made it to the dealers' room once though... -_-; And after three hours of making it about 10 feet before being asked for another picture, I was fried. Never did get the chance to get back there. Only bought a kuroshitsuji file folder for myself, and a pin in artist's alley. But I did get a bunch of doll related stuff so that turned out good.

AND... I got Best Seamstress for the doll costume contest!

So far trolling the a-kon website list of pic galleries, I've found myself in the pink ballgown of doom three times. ^__^ I didn't take many pictures myself, I'm going to grab Kiki's and hopefully I'll be able to get Gerald's too.
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