A-kon bound...

May 28, 2012 06:01

On Thursday (at an insanely early hour) I will be on a flight to Dallas for the A-Kon convention. How am I able to do such an awesome thing you may ask? Kiki-chan of course! She is a presenter again at DollaKon, and after last year when they discovered she really DOES need a keeper, she insisted that I come to be her slave/minion/sexy assistant. So I get into the con as staff of some sort, I'm staying with her and she gets a room so I don't have to pay for that, and since she insisted I come, she paid for my airfare. Yes, that's right folks, I'm going to one of the largest anime conventions at no expense to me! ^___^

Granted, the only day I'll actually get to see the con is Friday, cause there is no doll programming that day, and I'll be Kiki's slave on Saturday and Sunday, but still... I'm going to a con!!!!!! I haven't been to one since 2008!!!!!!! (and I get to take off time at school to go, and the principal told me to put it down as 'personal development')

I'm taking my Pink Ballgown of Doom (otherwise known as Ciel's 'Robin' dress from Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji) and made a waloli kimono-skirt outfit for Slaveday...um, Saturday. ^_~ I can't wait!!!!
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