Teen Wolf
It was worth waiting three seasons for that joke.
One of my borderline-fannish friends has just got into Teen Wolf and keeps texting me about what a poor woobie Derek is, and just maybe he should get together with Stiles. I am obviously responding by sending her the filthiest fic I have bookmarked...
The Musketeers
I loved the no-nonsense Abbess this week. Can she be in it all the time? I also loved Athos's normal stoicism breaking as he was confronted with Aramis actually having SLEPT WITH THE QUEEN. I really hope the Queen winds up pregnant now, just for the look on Athos's face when he finds out. I'm also looking forward to him finding out that D'Artagnan slept with Milady, because I love me some angst.
I found out during a work pizza and wine night on Friday that one of my colleagues is both watching the series and reading the book at the moment, and got so incoherently excited that I dropped pizza down my bra. This also meant that we spent a good ten minutes in the photocopier room yesterday morning doing impersonations of Athos and his manpain and cracking up, which was a really good way to start a Monday.
I finished re-reading the book on Sunday - I'd forgotten just how exciting the ending was!
I still love Athos the most. His morality is tricky to justify (there's the small matter that he HANGED A WOMAN FROM A TREE), but I love his dark humour and quiet dignity. I also love Milady's intelligence - she's such a great villain. And I found it really interesting the way that the things Dumas thought would be unpalatable to his readers and essentially apologised for within the text; like the Musketeers pimping themselves out to get enough money to buy their equipment; are not the things that seem most unpalatable now; like the casual violence with which they treat their servants, and D'Artaganan pretending to be De Wardes to have sex with Milady.
I kind of want to re-read Vingt Ans Apres now but it already took me over three weeks to read the first one because my French is so rusty and the sequel is a lot longer so it would take me forever. Also I remember it being pretty sad because they end up on opposing sides, and I like my Musketeers as a unit (lalalalala what ending of the first book, lalalalalala I can't hear you.)