Unproductive Morning

Nov 10, 2015 13:08

Very oddly my work rota has given me two days in a row off work.
I aimed to be proactive and start packing a few of my belongings for the expectant move as well as doing some birthday wrapping for my man. Do my physio exercises and try and catch up on sleep - failed as couldnot doze off till 2am and woke up repeatedly.

So far I have gotten up to switch on PC, still in PJs and not even gotten myself a cup of tea...

Whilst deleting old entries I saw some silly memes that i may just do over time just for the silliness.


1. Closest red thing to you?
Raspberry Ketones Jar - they do not really work
2. Last thing to make you angry?
stressed out things at work my hard work of organising gets destroyed.
3. Do you have a temper?
I think I have started to show a bit more but generally no
4. Are you a fan of romance?
not really?


1. Closest orange thing to you?
A japanese money box witha cat in an orange box brought for me ny halla
2. Do you like to burn things?:
Candles and Wood Fires
3. Dress up for Halloween?:
Just had a skull painted face in a swing dress
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person?
yes I think I am, too empathetic sometimes
5. Do you have anything against redheaded people?
No seeeing as it runs in my genes
6. Are you usually full of energy?
Some how I need the sugar as only thing that fuels me as I lack so much sleep, not my choice I wish I could sleep


1. Closest yellow thing to you?
Vitamin D Supplements Jar
2. The happiest time[s] of your life?
I have a few mostly when with good people doing fun things
3. Favourite holiday?
Finland <3
4. Are you a coward?
I am easily intimidated
5. Do you burn or tan?
I burn like an Anne Rice vampire in sunlight


1. Closest green thing to you?
Double Mint Gum
2. Do you care about the environment?
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now?
I do not think so not at the moment
4. Are you a lucky person?
I do not think I am I wish I where
5. Do you always want what you can't have?
I am human I will desire things I know I cant have usually because I have no money
6. Do you like being outdoors?
Yes I like forest walks
7. Are you Irish?
Possible but Partner is half Irish


1. Closest blue thing to you?
My PJs :O unusual
2. Are you good at calming people down?
I would like to say yes but unsure
3. Do you like the sea?
Yes but do not like swimming in murky water
4. What was the last thing that made you cry?
fucking everything makes me cry have no idea what set me off last time
5. Are you a logical thinker?
when in the correct state of mine but mostly it is emotional
6. Can you sleep easily?
No D: I wake on average 10-20 times a night doctors wont help me :\


1. Last purple thing you saw?
My bedding
2. Like being treated to expensive things?
I feel embarrassed about it my man spoils me too much I am not used to it
3. Do you like mysterious people?
as long as they are not too closed down or its worrying
4. Favorite type of chocolate?
I loved Caburies but the recipe is changing.... stupid take over ruining our chocolate
5. Ever met anyone in royalty?
Nope, Dad has
6. Are you creative?
I like to think I am or try my best too


1. Closest pink thing to you?
A pen - wtf is that doing here?!
2. Do you like sweet things?

3. Like play-fighting?
No as sometimes it turns real ;_;
4. Are you sensitive?
Very always have been
5. Do you like music?
I love my music <3 it makes me happy and calm as well as helps me express


1. Closest white thing to you?
An empty tea cup....
2. Would you say you're innocent?
Naive is more appropriate
3. Good at keeping the peace?
I try my hardest with the forces around me
4. How do you imagine your wedding?

5. Do you like to play in the snow?
yes am a big kid but it does not snow often
6. Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentist?
No I am not I am more anxious when doctors do not take my comments seriously and ignore me - esp as it has been proven I was right all along there was something wrong and the hospital made false paperwork


1. Closest black thing to you?
most things i live my life with black
2. Ever enjoy hurting people?
Not at all! I hurt when others are
3. Are you sophisticated or silly?
4. Would you like to go to space?
Am happy on solid earth until space travel is perfected
5. Do you have a lot of secrets?
6. What is your favourite color?
blacks, purples, teal, crimsons and silver
7. Does the colour you wear affect your mood?
I do not think so i wear alot of dark colours that makes me feel comfortable


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