I'm trying to translate volume three, particularly because I know that Omi has bought it for herself, and secondly because I need the practice.
Translating Symphonia is tedious however, mostly due to the fact that I don't know a lot of the language. Things like "World Regeneration" don't really appear much in the dictionary, so often I'm left to try to separate words and find out individual meanings before I can string them all together.
At any rate, I came across this scene while reading/translating the manga, and I just had to share it.
Sorry, guys, I just got a kick out of their reactions...
This week's kinda busy, so I apologize for not being on much... Chinese homework beckons me, and I didn't score so well on my last quiz, so it's essential I study. Also, my listening skills have diminished greatly in Japanese up to the point where I want to hit myself, so studying in that is vital too. And there's all those other classes too, of course.
But after tomorrow I should be home free, at least for the rest of the week.
Once that happens, it'll either be translating time or collaboration time.
Please pick my poison.