Finally back from the cottage. I woke up to my alarm buzzing wildly at 4 am and hurried through my morning rituals so I could be at Jon's no later than 5:15. Of course this meant I went back to bed at least twice...
Anyway, the windows are up, the outside doors are up, and the roof is up. It's finally beginning to look like more than just a shell of a house. Once the brick and siding gets up it'll look finished, although that'd be far from the truth.
I will selfishly admit this now. I like my house. I really, really like it. And once we get my room and deck finished I will most likely love it. I'll still probably dislike going to the cottage for the lack of internet and decent phone service, but I'll at least like to spend time holed up in my room.
My room is basically an attic room with an angled roof. Very cool. There is a double paned window facing the lake where, on clear days, you can see the fish swimming in the lake below.
In addition, there is also the skylight. It doesn't open, but it makes the room itself have an airier look that I really enjoy.
This week is promising to be busy...again. We're actually starting to become a lot more useful in Japanese class, helping out especially with the 101 class. They're mostly learning stuff like わたしは_です and わたしはがくせいです or わたしはがくせいじゃないです.
All simple stuff, of course, but it's a lot of fun to practice my leet (yeah right) skillz on the beginners.
We're working on てんき in 201, mostly talking about the weather and if it's hot or cold outside, etc. Kind of boring, but essential if you're gonna be conversing with Japanese people.
Looks like I'll be visiting the cottage again next weekend, but the weekend after that should be free. I am taking the weekend off from the cottage to try to sneak into a 9-18 archery event at church and a pokemon give away at Toys R Us. *shame*
Yes, I am a dork. something interesting I found while hunting for random stuff on youtube.
This a video of all the costumes of the characters in tales of the Abyss.
This is by far my favorite Luke outfit:
I gotta LOVE Japan's fashion sense. I'm no fashion expert, but red hair and red clothes do not match...