Nov 04, 2007 05:29

  • 1500 Words for science on whether Intelligent Design should be taught in science class in school, 500 words apiece for each of three arguments - due Monday 1500 words is a laugh. I'll be lucky if I broke 1200.
  • Journal Reflection (probably Stratford-Upon-Avon) - due Tuesday
  • Study for English midterm - due Monday
  •  Research for Humanities paper and hopefully a working outline, as I'm traveling five days this week and won't have time to do it then - due Wednesday the 14th
  • Research for Fine Arts Paper - Due Date Unknown
  • Travel Plans for Ireland - before Tuesday
  • RP posting for: Rosette (journal), Envy (x2), Sylar, Vexen (journal, find a log), Flonne, the Prinny Squad, Death
  • Make packing list for Italy - before Tuesday

Things will be struck out as I get them done. If I get them done.


todo list

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