THIS THREAD. THIS THREAD THIS THREAD THIS THREAD. I have not had Jaffa Cakes or Ben's Cookies in years and I have a craving something awful. Do any of my UK friends want to hook me up? I'll pay for cookies and shipping and everything and I'll send you something from California or LA or Disneyland or whatever, just...Ben's Cookies ;A;
That bit of withdrawal was about three years overdue, I think. |D In the meantime, I'm stalking that thread and sniping it sometime on the 24th.
As a reminder, my threads for
helpthesouth are
here and
here. Y'all know what to do. :Db
In other news, Art of the Dress is getting rewritten. After everything we've done at work? Yeah, it's happening. I might even sing it if I get fed up enough. One line that's not changing, however: "Deadline looms/Don't you know the client's always right?"
Speaking of fandom and derpery, I'm debating finding a land comm or a 20in20 challenge to join. I know about the Sailor Moon and Avatar ones, but I'm not really in either of those fandoms. Is there a KH one kicking around somewhere, or a general 20in20? I have exactly zero idea, so. \O_o/
Eventually I will finish one of my writing projects. Eventually.
I'm actually dead serious about the cookie thing, guys. Do want.