Dear Life, nobody likes a troll, love Me

May 02, 2011 23:25

Life goes insane when I'm not looking. Then again, it goes insane even when I am, so I don't see how that makes a difference.

So far as large media events go, congrats to the happy royal couple, and I have a newfound respect for Navy SEALs and Special Forces. My opinions on the whole Osama thing aren't necessarily of the popular variety - I did not attend or throw any dead man's parties - and I am experiencing intense secondhand embarrassment on behalf of a friend pertaining to the situation, so. As far as I'm concerned, that's enough about that.

The jokes on Twitter were flat hilarious, though. I'll give the Twitterati that.

As far as work goes, I've been herding cats nonstop. I might actually be working late some nights this week, because deadline's approaching for two projects and a third really can't afford to be delayed any longer, not to mention we just now heard back about a project that's been on hold for the better part of a month and that might be entering the fray again soon too. Needless to say, I've been absolutely busy as hell and bouncing emails off just about everyone in my little virtual rolodex. It's nuts. I am yay close to rewriting the latter part of Art of the Dress to fit my work, because "Deadline looms/don't you know the client's always right" describes my job right about now.

The RP front is going pretty well. I sincerely want the Postmen to tag Rarity back, since I'm sure that will be hilarious and a half, Jason is confused by ponies and needs more CR, and I'm just playing catchup with Linkara. Rosette is...pretty well gone, I think, but that's life. I poked around ATP to try to finish out our Ponies and BBS casts, and I will be beside myself with glee if that Sweetie Belle apps to the game. Yes, please.

On a far more important note, in the wake of the massively destructive tornadoes in the south, helpthesouth has been set up. In the vein of help_japan and other help communities, it's an auction community meant to raise money for the victims of the tornadoes. I don't know if anyone's seen the end result - cleolinda has a detailed summary and quite a few links if you haven't - but the destruction is massive and widespread and they need all the help they can get. I encourage everyone to either put up an auction or bid on something. My auctions are here and here.

On a final, completely cracky note - there's a Deltora Quest anime on the Hub. I'm not sure if anybody else even knows these books exist, but I think my nostalgia just keeled over from shock. What is this I seriously don't even.

professional cat herder, books, politics, whut, i don't know how to deal with this, rp, work, second city

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