A random note to the servers on my flist: when a party of seven college- and graduate-age girls sits in your section, orders drinks right off the bat, and tells you they're celebrating a birthday, that would be your cue to get on top of your game and stay there, because if you make their happy experienc3 even better with your good service, you are going to make bank.
Our waiter last night didn't get the memo. :| Buuuuut
amorsinseramada had a good time and that is all that matters. :Db
There is a
ridiculously fantastic Xehanort on dear_mun right now. They are creepy and terrifying and absolutely spot-on. Also, the mun referred to the finger waggle as "milking the giant cow." I freaking love this fandom.
On a tangentially related note, does anyone know how to make animated icons with text on them? I have a request if you do. |Db
I am absolutely bored as hell right now, so I'm stealing a meme from
Give me a character I play and I'll give you their:
01. Full name
02. Best friend
03. Sexuality
04. Favorite colour
05. Relationship status
06. Ideal mate
07. Turn-ons
08. Last sexual experience
09. Favorite food
10. Crushes
11. Favorite music
12. Biggest fear
13. Biggest fantasy
14. Quirks in bed
15. Bad habits
16. Biggest regret
17. Best kept secrets
18. Last thought
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience
20. Biggest insecurity
Muse list is on my profile. The only character I ask you not do this with is Linkara, because that gets a bit too close to the creeper line for me. 8D;;;
Finally, another one for that 30 Day KH meme I'm doing:
2. Least Favorite Character
Probably "Ansem"/Xehanort's Heartless. This is likely partially because my KH playing was in big sporadic chunks, meaning I didn't quite piece the plot together too well the first time around and therefore only had a vague idea of who he was supposed to be, and partially because I watched my brother beat him quite a few times (dirty little secret: never actually took him on myself). Honestly, I just could not care less about him. He's my least favorite just because I'm apathetic in his general direction.
1. Favorite Character
2. Least Favorite Character
3. Favorite Keyblade Design
4. Favorite Song from the games
5. Favorite Mini Game
6. Favorite Magic Spell
7. Favorite Summon/D-Link
8. Favorite World
9. Favorite Team-Up
10. Happiest Scene
11. Saddest Scene
12. Favorite Final Fantasy Cameo
13. Favorite Nobody
14. Favorite Heartless
15. Favorite Unversed
16. Favorite World Form Change
17. Favorite Drive and/or Command Style
18. Most Frustrating Mini Game
19. Least Favorite Boss Battle
20. Favorite Boss Battle
21. Favorite Opening Animation
22. Favorite Pairing
23. Prefered Incarnation of Xehanort
24. Prefered Incarnation of Sora
25. Favorite Birth By Sleep Armor
26. Favorite Princess of Heart
27. Preferred Fighting Style (attack/sword, defense/shield, magic/wand)
28. Final Fantasy character you'd most like to see
29. World/Disney Character you would most like to see
30. Biggest Wish for KH3