The Forces of Nature Are Conspiring Against My Internship

Feb 08, 2010 21:02

The short of it is I'm contagious and have no transportation of my own (though I do have lovely friends who are willing to take me ♥).

It started on Friday. When I was driving my Hertz campus rental car back to Pepperdine, I noticed the Check Engine light was on, so I called in to Hertz and told them. They said it was likely just in need of an oil change and they'd put it in for maintenance as soon as I turned it in that evening. Good deed done for the day, life is good, right?

I thought so, until I got back to my apartment and checked my email. I got this:

Ms. Cullen, Hello we are emailing to advise your reservation for the Ford Escape 468 on February 9, 2010 has been cancelled due to the vehicle having mechanical issues. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Kind Regards, Connect By Hertz Member Care Center

Evidently being the good citizen and responsible car-sharer got me utterly shafted. Of course, there were no other cars left to rent for that day - too late in the game for that - and they didn't offer to help me find another car or anything. Well damn. 8D

And then, yesterday in church the kids sitting behind us were all sick - coughing up a lung and whatnot. Guess who now has whatever variation of the common cold they were suffering from. :Db

I just sent an email to my supervisor telling him I was ill and could not come in and sorry for that and I shall hopefully be there on Friday. I figured eight hours in a cubicle after what would likely have been less than six hours of sleep was just a bad idea. A day off tomorrow means I can sleep in, relax a bit, and play catchup with stuff I've missed or put off. I think I need a day like that.

So yeah, I'm going to attempt to be productive, watch my shows, and then drag my exhausted self to bed.

...gorrammit iTunes stop being ironic.

argh, sick, internship

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