Someone who appears and saves the day

Feb 07, 2010 01:47

Man, I spent most of the day reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. That book will seriously screw with your brain after about fifty pages, and I plowed through 200+. Remind me never to do that again. Ugh.

Buuuuut that's not what this entry is about.

Today - and I still consider it "today" since I'm still awake - was the anniversary of Daisychain's first day. Were the game still running, it would have been two years old.

I have to say I was proud of that game and still am: proud of the players, proud of my fellow mods, proud of the way people worked together and communicated and had fun. Sure, there were parts that just did not work out - there always are in a game of that size and magnitude - but for the most part I'm thrilled with how things went.

Dia, I'm always going to be grateful to you for shooting me an AIM that weekend during the first of two stupidly long shifts, saying you were thinking of setting up a Cloverfield-based RP and what did I think. Never gonna forget that one. Thank you for starting up what would be a year and a half of good times.

For those of you who want to go revel in the nostalgia, bouncy_erbear has started up a reunion thread over here. I'm about to crash out, but rest assured there will be tags for anyone who wants to bother an angel, a nun, an Agent, or a Diva come tomorrow.

So far as that goes: lunais_cross, so far as my headcanon is concerned, they totally built that giant robot. Flonne insisted Billy name it.

SO YES. Happy birthday, DC, and happy anniversary to all my fellow DC-ers. Hope you all had the best night ever.

rp, project daisychain

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