Merry Christmas, all!
Yes, I can say it twice in a day. I love it. :Db It's nearly three in the afternoon and we're having a pretty relaxed day. Christmas with the Kranks has become a Christmas tradition, so we're all sitting here laughing our rears off at an incredibly awkward movie.
Following tradition and/or the herd, since everyone seems to be doing it: the haul.
It was mostly practical this year, but I do love it:
- Clothing, to include new boots, a fleece and a sweater from relatives, slippers, jeans that fit (!!!), and a t-shirt with a phone booth. Totally wearing that to Gallifrey. XDb
- A whole lot of kitchen stuff to include a metric ton of tea, a tea kettle, an electric mixer, and a fondue pot. I forsee many good times with that fondue pot. :D
- Brain Age from my brothers, bringing the total of DS games I have that won't kill my hand up to two
- Sense and Sensability and Sea Monsters
- DVDs: Snow White, Phantom of the Opera, and both seasons of Big Bang Theory from my dad - evidently he's got connections. Who knew? |D
- Chocolaaaaaaaaate :D
- An awesome story to tell
That last one requires a bit of explanation, I think. Start with
last year's post, which has all the backstory you need.
The Arizona Richardsons have done it again. 8D
This year, they forewent the strange underwear and sent us...well, socks.
Which wouldn't be so bad if they weren't lined with faux fur at the top. I just. I don't even. I would wear them if it weren't for that. XD They sent my older brother, who is a twenty-three-year-old GNC employee and all-around macho man, red and green fuzzy slipper socks with monkeys on toboggans embroidered on the top. For some reason, they didn't send my little brother anything. |D
As a family, they sent us:
- A plastic platter with "Give Thanks" painted on it
- A "Grill Dozer" which is evidently a really high-end grill cleaning brush
- Two food nets, meant to cover platters if you're serving food outside
- Two bottles of Kick Yo' Ass hot sauce, made with habanero peppers
- A bag of miniature marshmallows
I think I have an idea what they were going for, but. I am still so confused. I think it's the marshmallows. |D
So yeah, we've spent all morning laughing about the Grill Dozer and saying "Kick Yo' Ass Hot Sauce!" in the most annoyingly fake Southern accents we can manage. It's still a good story to tell. XDb
At the very least, there are no lightbulb rocks this year. 8Db
Alright, I promised y'all a Guess the Carol post, and this'll be it. Ten for now, because ten is a good number for this sort of meme.
1. But it's December the twenty-fourth/And I am longing to be up north
2. Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright
3. When we hear the fife and drum/Christmas will be frolicksome
4. Every man would have a friend/And right would always win/And love would never end
5. And although I know it's a long road back/This I promise you
6. What the gladsome tidings be/Which inspire your heavenly song
7. While the merry bells keep ringing/May your every wish come true
8. For the fellowship you bring/When you hear that doorbell ring/No place can be too far
9. I just got back from a lovely trip around the Milky Way
10. City streetlights, even stoplights, blink a bright red and green
I love me my obscure first verses.
So yes. Such an awesome day. Now we go make chocolate raspberry parfait and roast beef and have an awesome night. Check back in later and y'all have a wonderful day. ♥