Nov 20, 2009 01:50

First of all, today's Woot shirt is awesome. I already bought one. |D YAY COLLEGE STUDENT ANTHEM

All this crazy Gamma Phi activity over the week culminated in Initiation tonight. Can't say too much about the ceremony, but I do love my littles. Jen's package arrived just in time (read: this morning), so everyone got everything they were supposed to, and I somehow got a package from Canada faster than I got a package from Amazon. Will wonders never cease. THANK YOU JEN THEY LOVED EVERYTHING ♥

Of course, "culminated" might not be the right word, seeing as Formal is Friday night, Gamma Games meeting is Saturday, and Gamma Games itself is Sunday.

SPEAKING OF WHICH. If you're on Pepperdine campus, come to Gamma Games! We're raising money for Camp Laurel, and you get to come watch fraternity guys compete in athletic events, including sack races. Have you ever seen guys do sack races? It's hilarious. Plus, we have some pretty awesome raffle prizes, and it's all for a good cause. 11:30-2 at Alumni Park this Sunday! BE THERE. YAY. :Db

On a completely different note, I somehow wound up with only one class on Monday. Theater is individual monologue coachings, and mine isn't until after Thanksgiving. Lit Theory is individual appointments to talk about final papers, and mine's at 3, which does not require me to get up early, and then there's Choir. Stage dance is the next day, and then I'm heading home, huzzah~ YAY TURKEY AND BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING

Speaking of shopping, y'all need to tell me what you want for Christmas. I will be doing shopping then.

And I also have my wish list up - I just posted it to holiday_wishes (which is an awesome community that you should totally go check out), so I figured I'd throw it up here as well:

1. INTERNSHIP/JOB HELP/RECOMMENDATIONS/ADVICE ;~; Internship/Job help/recommendations/advice. I'm a graduating senior - I'll be getting my BA in Writing and Rhetoric in April - and I'm trying to find an internship in the LA/Santa Monica area for this coming semester and a job, preferably something pertaining to my degree (writing...somewhere), in California once I graduate. If you know of any places that are hiring, or if you can give me some advice on netting an internship or a job in this job market, I'd be incredibly grateful.

2. Gift cards: Ralph's because groceries are expensive in my neck of the woods, iTunes because I am a total music addict, and/or for because my lack of transportation means I don't get off campus a lot and therefore do a lot of my shopping online. Even a couple of bucks either way would help.

3. One of these! Timepieces+necklaces+shiny things make me a happy camper. I'd love style A.

4. Paid LJ time. Mine runs out the day after Christmas. Self-explanatory, I think.

5. A rename token. I'm a bit tired of the long, unwieldly pseudo-Japanese name - it's a phase in my life I'd rather leave behind (read: high school).

6. Games for my Nintendo DS. I have one game - Elite Beat Agents - and while I love it to death, I think I need to branch out a bit. If you have any games you don't play anymore, I'd love it if you could send them my way.

7. Salt and pepper shakers. Any color, style, and shape - I collect them. They are awesome.

8. Along those same lines, the Rubik's Cube salt mill at It is cute and geeky and fantastic and I'd love to have it on my table for next semester.

9. Donate to or volunteer at Camp Laurel. I'm a Gamma Phi Beta, and Camp Laurel is our local philanthropy. It's an organization that allows kids who have or are affected by HIV/AIDS to have a normal summer camp experience. We do our best to support them, but they need all the help they can get. If you're in the area and can volunteer for either their summer or winter session, that would be fantastic. If not, any way you can help and anything you can give would make a huge difference.

You can totally tell this was written with a wider, not personally known audience in mind, huh. KNOW THY AUDIENCE. HELL YEAH I'M A WRITING MAJOR.

But seriously, guys. Donate to those kids with AIDS. They're so cute and you all know summer camp is awesome~

On yet another random note, I got a great recipe yesterday. If someone's willing to take me to Ralph's real quick to pick up ingredients, I can definitely promise you a share of the Pumpkin Cheesecake this weekend. :Db

classes, can't spell twins without win, yay, sorority, christmas, college

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