Oh foreshadowing

Sep 03, 2009 01:55

lynxgriffin (3:55:49 PM): I'm not sure whether Tagruato should respond to replies or not
LeSeptieme (3:55:54 PM): I'd say no.
LeSeptieme (3:56:27 PM): I get the feeling they'd be doing last minute prep for abductions, and if they had free time, watching the network with popcorn and evil laughter.
LeSeptieme (3:56:36 PM): Possibly taking bets on who cracks first and who panics hardest.
lynxgriffin (3:56:44 PM): sob they're such bastards XD
LeSeptieme (3:56:54 PM): They're an evil corporation, man. They don't talk to the peons.
LeSeptieme (3:57:05 PM): They just torture them for fun and profit.
LeSeptieme (3:57:22 PM): Mostly profit, but the motivational speaker they hired last month said loving what you do is a big part of your job.
lynxgriffin (3:57:47 PM): sdklajs lmao

Just leaving this here. Hope everyone's enjoying endgame. |D

Will be interesting to figure out what all I'm doing with characters tomorrow.

rp, project daisychain, chat log

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