May 06, 2009 23:57

I'm watching Pitch Men on Discovery Channel. Basically, they gave Billy Mays and...some other guy named Sully...a show about developing and pitching products. The best part is when they show you the development and the testing and the product sells. The worst part is when they show you all that and the product never gets picked up.

Case in point: the vertical grill. Picture the love child of a single-slice toaster and a George Foreman grill, with a drip tray to get rid of grease and the ability to cook meat to perfection in minutes. You wouldn't think something like this could come from Australia, but I've been surprised before. The invention looked fantastic, and they show you all the development and all the testing, which basically amounts to Billy and crew having a kitchen BBQ and just going on about how fantastic the meat is.

The product never gets funding.

Basically: "Look at this fantastic steak! The vertical grill changed it from a frozen rock of death to a perfectly seasoned medium rare hunk of cow in fourteen minutes and guess what! You can't have one."

I feel as though I should yell in frustration, but I don't want to give Billy the satisfaction. It won't bring the vertical grill back, and it certainly doesn't get the stains out of my carpet.

argh, tv

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