So I finally caught up on Project Runway.

Aug 04, 2008 01:30

TiVo screwed up recording the Project Runway premiere, but I did get to see weeks 2 and 3. Week 3 I wasn't too terribly impressed with some of them (like the dress that vomited snapdragons ruffles across the chest), but I did like the dress modeled after the tree grate. That was pretty cute. :3

But let's talk week 2. Specifically, let's talk Suede's dress.

I have to say this is possibly the sexiest little number I've seen on this show. Remy's purple museum-inspired draped dress comes in close second, likely only because I would totally wear the purple. Suede's dress would look just terrible on me, but want. *A*

...I have missed this show so much. XDb

And guys? If anybody knows where I can get Project Runway icons, hook me up. :Db

omg, yay, tv, project runway

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