And just how many times this summer have I done this?

Aug 02, 2008 23:12

Somebody start checking the sides of milk cartons for my RP drive, because I don't know where the hell it's gone.

I keep putting Paixao off, because Paixao is slow, right? I don't think that has to be the case - I think it's that way because people don't post, because Paixao is slow, because people don't's a vicious damn cycle and I seem to be stuck in it.

Daisychain, I just seem to be running from my fail, and there's a good bit of that.

It's easy to blame all of this on work, especially since I'm working more this week than I have been all month, but that's the problem - it's easy to do that, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's to blame.

It's also easy to blame this on all the errands I've been running to get ready to go back to college. Furnishing an entire apartment is no small task, after all...but again, it's too damn easy to do that too.

I think what's really to blame is my work ethic and the fact that I don't seem to have one. All you'd need to do to know that is take a look at my to do list - there's stuff on there I've had to do for going on a month now and with fast approaching deadlines, and is it done? Hell no.

The long and short of this is, I do good work sometimes and it may well be time to call hiatus until school starts. We'll see how things go.

todo list, rp, work, epic fail, project daisychain, pepperdine, paixao, college

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