Game and Meme

Mar 05, 2008 22:44

For those of you who were wondering where the heck I disappeared to tonight, I was at an Air Force basketball game. I screamed myself hoarse (which is interesting when one has a cold to boot) and had a great time. It helped that we won by 21 points (because falcons eat frogs, horned or not, amirite?). :3

And since we had the OMGSO!FAIL!refs tonight, I've decided two things:

1) I'm bringing a black and white striped blindfold to Saturday's game and pulling my Blind Ref act every time they make a bad call;

2) I want to use the line "Now that you've finished watching them molest our players, would you like to actually call something?" somewhere. Because that's kinda what tonight's game was like, and I'm actually pretty happy with that line. XD;

And now a meme, ganked from ladybrighid333 because it looked like something I'd do:

1. Comment with any subject that you would like me to rant on, with possible probable swearing involved. Any subject - I don't even have to agree with it.

2. Watch my journal for your rant. (Unless I just can't muster up a rant for your subject)

3. Post this in your own journal, so that you may rant for others. The end.

I'm looking forward to this one. X3

Oh. One more thing:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ggmoonycrisco! ♥~

memes, rant

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