DBSK Fic: Curves, Yoochun/Jaejoong, NC-17 [2/2]

Apr 06, 2009 14:25


Changmin was right about the whole center of gravity thing.

So far, Yunho's sweeping, larger-than-life dance moves have earned him five tumbles on the studio floor, and he's since given up practicing all together. Everyone has had their falls, though-Yoochun has been a little slower on every move, as he fights to keep his balance and figure out where he's supposed to land, and he's still taken a few falls. Jaejoong seems to keep falling forward on his landings, and Changmin is much stiffer and slower than Yoochun has ever seen him.

Only Junsu seems unaffected by the change, twirling around like his body is exactly the same as it was two days ago, as if he hasn't suddenly sprouted breasts and large hips, as if he's still just a skinny little pop idol boy. He looks like a ballerina.

Everyone is sort of disgusted with Junsu.

At the moment, they're all gathered in a corner of the studio watching Jaejoong as he attempts his moves to Mirotic in slow motion. He's getting better at some parts of the routine, though Yoochun can tell he's close to losing it with how bad he suddenly is at other parts, and everyone is still watching him when Yunho's phone rings.

"Hello….? MANAGER!" Yunho practically shrieks with delighted relief.

"We've been so worried, we thought-"

"Yes, well, no, it's hard to explain over the-"

"Well, I don't think we can, it's hard to-"

"Oh-okay, two days?"

Everyone is so intent on eavesdropping on the phone call that no one else is watching Jaejoong anymore, and Yoochun is the only one who sees him fall. He watches as Jaejoong's feet slide out from underneath him, and then he's falling, landing hard on his back.

Without really pausing, Yoochun's on his feet, and then he's beside Jaejoong, and Yunho's voice is a blur in the background as he bends over him.

"Are you okay?" he asks, which is dumb, because it wasn't much of a fall, but Jaejoong's still not moving and there's this part of him that worries that something is horribly wrong, that Jaejoong is hurt. "Can you move?"

Jaejoong smiles and then laughs as he sits up, shaking it off. "Just embarrassed," he says, but the smile he gives Yoochun as he stands makes him blush, and he's the embarrassed one then.

"Good news," Yunho says loudly.

Yoochun turns around and sees that he's addressing everyone, cradling his phone against his chest, though he's shooting Yoochun and Jaejoong meaningful glances.

"He's okay. His battery died, just like you thought… He'll be back the day after tomorrow."

"Did you tell him about-" Jaejoong breaks off, and without even turning around to look at him, Yoochun can tell he's embarrassed.

"No," Yunho says. "He was on a payphone. There wasn’t time."

Changmin sort of laughs at that, and Yunho frowns at him.

"Just... imagine what he'll think when comes home," Changmin says. "To a house full of women."

"Yeah," Yunho says darkly. "I know."

Yoochun wonders what will happen in two days, when their manager finds out his stars are all girls. He wonders what will happen to them then, what sort of destiny they'll have, where they'll all be two days from now.

He can tell, by the expressions on everyone's faces, that they're all wondering the same thing.


It's been a quiet night. After practice, the members opted for take-out, and after a near-silent and sort of depressing dinner, they all went to their rooms to think about what the next two days might bring them.

Yoochun is lying awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling, a magazine open in his lap, thinking about what's going to happen to him the day after tomorrow. He can't imagine leaving DBSK, can't imagine being without the members or the music or the performances. He thinks he needs it. The thought of being separate from them for the rest of his life is too painful to consider.

Especially Jaejoong.

Jaejoong, who stayed with him in the hospital that one time when no one else would. Jaejoong, who sleeps in his room every night. Jaejoong, who is the only person who really understands him, who he can really be himself with.

Jaejoong, who is the only person he really wants.

"Hey," Jaejoong says, across the room. "Yoochun?"

"Yeah," Yoochun says quietly.

There's a pause then, and Yoochun worries that he sounded unwelcoming or something.

"What's up?" he says, softly, invitingly.

"Can I…"

There's another pause, and Yoochun feels a little funny as he tries to imagine what Jaejoong could be asking. Would this be like the other night? Hadn't Jaejoong said that it was all a mistake? Or had that been Yoochun?

"Can you what?" he almost whispers, half-afraid of what the answer will be.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Jaejoong says, all in a rush.

Yoochun isn't sure he's heard him right, is terrified he hasn't, and he's afraid to answer wrong either way. "Can you… sleep with me?" he asks, tentatively.

"Ah," Jaejoong says quickly. "Is it weird? I just thought… I don't know if… The day after tomorrow, we might not be… I just…"

"Of course you can," Yoochun says, pulling the magazine from his lap and dropping it on his bedside table. "Come here."

There's a rustling noise followed by a thud, and then Jaejoong is there, warm and clumsy as he climbs over Yoochun and tugs on his covers, sliding underneath them as if it's completely normal. Jaejoong's knees knock against Yoochun's as he settles himself beside him, and Yoochun turns on his side, facing Jaejoong to save space.

Yoochun's bed isn't exactly intended for two people, and he thinks they'll probably have to sleep side-by-side in a very literal sense in order to keep from falling out of bed tonight, but he's happy about it.

They're facing each other now, sharing the same pillow, and Yoochun can feel Jaejoong's breath on his throat. He shifts a little, trying not to either fall off of the bed or touch Jaejoong too much.

"I'll miss you," Jaejoong says, and Yoochun's throat feels tight all of a sudden at the thought of not seeing him every minute of every day like this, at the idea of not being able to lie awake a few feet away from him every night, at the thought of not having Jaejoong beside him when he needs him. He can't imagine it.

"I-" Yoochun starts, but there's a horrible feeling in his chest and throat that makes him think he won't be able to finish without sobbing, and then he's shifting closer to Jaejoong, finding his face in the dark, and he's kissing him, against his best judgment

Jaejoong responds, though. He kisses him back without pause, and for a moment it's just as innocent as that-the two of them lying beside each other, kissing a quiet little soft goodbye in the dark.

And then they shift.

Jaejoong moves closer, presses his knee against Yoochun's thighs, probably just because of the space, and of course Yoochun moves, opens his thighs a little and then he's moving against Jaejoong's thigh as they kiss. Yoochun shifts his hands from where they're resting awkwardly between and underneath them, moves to touch Jaejoong, skating his fingers up his thigh and over his hip, feeling the smooth, naked skin of his waist as his hand sneaks under Jaejoong's t-shirt, and then he's feeling the warm weight of Jaejoong's breasts under his palms.

Jaejoong gasps a little against his mouth, and Yoochun freezes, suddenly afraid. What if he's just fucked everything up? What if this was supposed to be innocent and friendly and he's just-

"I want you," he whispers into Yoochun's mouth, and the last shred of self-restraint Yoochun had is gone.

He shifts, moving out from the tangled mess of their limbs to straddle Jaejoong, and peels off his t-shirt before looking down at his roommate, his best friend, the girl he's about to fuck, somehow, that's lying beneath him and licking his lips like he's about to have dessert or something.

Jaejoong struggles and shifts underneath him as he writhes his way out of his t-shirt, and with every movement of his hips, he rocks his pelvis up against Yoochun's, until he's gasping, and Jaejoong is topless beneath him.

"Please," Jaejoong says, biting his lip a little, and Yoochun plants his hands on either side of him as he leans forward over him. He pauses, mouth poised over a perfect, hard little nipple, and he wants nothing more than to roll his tongue against it, to make Jaejoong feel at least a little of the insane need he's felt the last two days, but he's afraid.

Yoochun glances up at his roommate, a breath away from sucking on his tits, and Jaejoong makes a little moaning sound as he tangles his fingers in Yoochun's hair. That's all it takes, really. Yoochun ducks his head, swipes his tongue across Jaejoong's pert little nipple, and feels him squirm underneath him as he sucks and swirls his tongue against Jaejoong's perfect tits.

"Fuck," Yoochun gasps a little, kissing his way down Jaejoong's stomach as Jaejoong tugs on his hair. "You're so hot."

It's weird saying these things to Jaejoong, weird because he keeps expecting him to burst into laughter or something and he doesn't. Jaejoong never laughs at him for his weird, throaty, embarrassing admissions; he just moans and tightens his grip on Yoochun's hair as Yoochun toys with the waistline of his pajamas. Yoochun's not really sure if he should keep going-it seems like, for some reason, fucking around with each other's boobs is one thing, but when you start messing with… well… this is where things could go too far, and Yoochun's not sure if he's ready to push that line with Jaejoong.

"Yoochun," Jaejoong says suddenly, softly, and his fingers slip from their grip in his hair to caress his cheek. "Please."

Yoochun stops his hesitation then, as he moves a hand down over Jaejoong's pajamas, experimentally sliding his fingers over Jaejoong's pajama-clad thigh.

"Is this okay?" he breathes, kissing a weird little line across Jaejoong's lower stomach, his hand pausing on Jaejoong's upper thigh.

"Yes," Jaejoong says, almost before he finishes asking. "Please."

As if to emphasize his point, he shifts his hips up, moves his hips toward Yoochun's hand. Yoochun moans a little, involuntarily, and lets his hand shift, slides it up further, until he's feeling the hot, hard angle of Jaejoong's pussy through his thin cotton pajama bottoms.

Jaejoong makes a small, choked sound as Yoochun rubs his fingers against him, through his pajamas, and then he's breathless and shifting. "Kiss me," he whispers, and Yoochun doesn't think about disobeying as he moves up and over him, fingers still shifting against warm, damp cotton as he presses his lips against Jaejoong's.

Jaejoong moans into his mouth, and then they're rolling, and Jaejoong is pinning him to the bed, kissing him short, desperate movements as he tries to take off his pants and keep kissing Yoochun at the same time.

Yoochun laughs and tells him it's okay, that he can take a minute to get them off, and then Jaejoong sets to work on getting Yoochun's pants off, too. It's awkward and clumsy and difficult, balancing the two of them on such a tiny bed, but it's easier now that Jaejoong is perched on top of him, even if he's embarrassing Yoochun with the way Jaejoong's staring down at his body.

"Beautiful," Jaejoong mumbles, and before Yoochun can object, or even bother to be embarrassed about it, Jaejoong is kissing him, mouth warm and wet against his as he shifts his naked body against Yoochun's. Yoochun isn't sure how much more he can take, but he is sure that Jaejoong can feel how wet he is, that he can feel how much Yoochun wants him with every shift of Jaejoong's body against his. And then Jaejoong's mouth leaves him, and he shifts away from him, and Yoochun almost worries that he's fucked it all up somehow, or that Jaejoong has come to his senses, that this is all over.

Jaejoong's lips move down along his jawline, and then his mouth is skating across his throat, pausing to bite and suck at his neck, just below his ear, and then he's licking lines along Yoochun's collarbones, and Yoochun feels like he might burst.

"Please," he hears himself saying, but he doesn't know what he's asking for, really, what more he could even handle right now. Jaejoong seems to know, though.

His mouth moves past Yoochun's collarbones, down over his chest, pausing at each breast to lick and suck in turn, rolling Yoochun's nipples against his tongue, grazing them ever so slightly with his teeth before he moves on, and Yoochun is practically squeaking, his fingers tangled in Jaejoong's hair as he reaches Yoochun's hipbone.

Yoochun sighs a little as Jaejoong kisses them each in turn, pressing his lips against Yoochun's skin in tender little soft wet kisses that leave his skin tingling as they trail down and in, as Yoochun feels Jaejoong kissing his way to Yoochun's brand new pussy.

Yoochun is practically shaking by the time Jaejoong reaches it, and he pauses, breath hot and moist against Yoochun's clit. "Is this okay?"

Yoochun thinks this must be a cruel joke. "Please," he tries to say again, but he's not sure he even makes any noise.

Regardless, Jaejoong seems to understand, and a moment later, there's the soft, wet, warm feel of a tongue against his clit, as Jaejoong buries his face in Yoochun's cunt, sliding his tongue against and inside of him, tasting him in a way that no one ever has.

Yoochun comes faster than he has ever come before. It's much more intense than the shower, much more intense than anytime he's ever gotten off as a guy, and he's shaking, convulsing with the aftershocks for what feels like forever. Jaejoong never moves his mouth, just kisses and sucks and fucks him with his tongue throughout all of it, until Yoochun can hardly move.


It seems late, suddenly, when Yoochun opens his eyes. He thinks he must have fallen asleep, all tangled up with Jaejoong, but he doesn't really remember it. He blinks against the darkness and finds Jaejoong watching him, a strange little sad, pensive expression on his face.

"Hey," he says softly, and Jaejoong blinks, like he hadn't expected Yoochun to be awake for a while.

"Hey," he says, and his tone is unreadable.

"Did I fall asleep?" Yoochun asks, although he already feels like he knows. He hadn't meant to, though, not at all. He wanted every minute of this first night with Jaejoong. Of what might be the last night with him.

Jaejoong shrugs and looks down, at the pillow. It's impossible to really read expressions in the dark like this, and Yoochun is instantly worried. "Hey," he says quietly, as groggy memories start returning. "I've never… felt like that before."

There's a horrible pause, then.

"Me either," Jaejoong says softly.

Yoochun leans forward, kisses him before Jaejoong has a chance to say anything else. They stay like that for a while, side by side, kissing in quiet little friendly movements, lips and forehead and noses bumping clumsily as they tangle their fingers together, and then Jaejoong drags their hands to his stomach, lets Yoochun's fingers brush across his skin.

Yoochun lets his fingers drop as they kiss a little deeper, sliding his fingers down over Jaejoong's hip as he sucks on Yoochun's lower lip, dragging his thumb up across Jaejoong's thigh as he slides his tongue into his mouth.

When he first slides his fingers up against Jaejoong's cunt, first feels his hard, slick little clit bump up against his fingers, he's already fucking Jaejoong's mouth with his tongue. When he starts sliding his fingers inside Jaejoong, starts fucking him with his tongue and his fingers at once, Jaejoong is rocking forward onto them, moaning into his mouth in a way that makes Yoochun feel like he could come all over again.

Jaejoong does, a minute later, just when Yoochun's wrist is starting to ache. He feels him tightening all around his fingers, feels his body go rigid and quiet against him, and his mouth stops moving for a moment. Suddenly all Yoochun feels and hears are the gasps Jaejoong is letting out, the spasms around his fingers, and then everything is still.

"I love you," Jaejoong says, and then he's curling up beside Yoochun. Yoochun's fingers slide easily out of him, and Jaejoong is already falling asleep tucked up beside him as Yoochun watches him, wonders how he could ever let go of this.


The first thing Yoochun notices when he wakes up is that his breasts are gone. This part is especially noticeable because Jaejoong's arm is slung across his chest, and there's no interference of any sort with this position.

The second thing he notices is that his light is still on. It's then, when he's staring blearily at his bedside lamp, sliding his hand down, under the covers and over his naked body, that he realizes he's officially not a girl anymore.

"Jaejoong," he grumbles, half-pleased and half-disappointed that his not-so-girly voice has returned. "Jaejoong, I have to get up."

Jaejoong stretches a little beside him, making weirdly cute noises as he slides his body up against Yoochun. And that's when Yoochun feels it, feels the hard, sharp, flat angles of Jaejoong's chest and stomach, and when Jaejoong rocks his hips against Yoochun, he feels something else.

"Jaejoong," he whispers, starting to feel a little panicked.

Jaejoong yawns as he moves closer, curling up against Yoochun like a cat, until his head is resting on Yoochun's shoulder. He blinks sleepily up at him and smiles.

"Morning," he says, and for a moment Yoochun's panic subsides a little. Just a moment.

"Jaejoong, we're… We're not girls anymore."

Jaejoong seems to experience several reactions at once. At first he laughs, like Yoochun is just making a joke, talking about what happened last night and not the fact that they're now two naked men. The truth seems to occur to him a moment later, when he shifts against Yoochun, really feels Yoochun's body against him for the first time this morning.

It's then that Jaejoong looks panicked, and he freezes beside Yoochun, clutching his pillow like it's a life saver.

"We're… us again?" Jaejoong asks, but he doesn't look at all happy about it, not the way that Yoochun thinks he probably should.

"Yeah," Yoochun says, and there's a pause as they consider that. "We should go see if the others are… too."

"Yeah," Jaejoong says, and he's the first to stumble out of bed, piecing together his sleeping outfit as he goes. Yoochun watches as Jaejoong plucks his t-shirt from where it landed, half-behind the bed, and he tosses his pajama bottoms down from where they spent the night, shoved half under Yoochun, against the wall.

Then it's Yoochun's turn and Jaejoong laughs as he tries to dress himself without getting out from under the covers. Yoochun blushes, but he woke up half-hard, and he's not really sure how Jaejoong would react if he knew, if he saw. He's not sure how he'd want Jaejoong to react.

Yoochun leans over the edge of the bed and pulls his t-shirt from where it's wedged between the bed and the bedside table, and definitely stretched out from his breasts, and then he glances around him, searching for his pants.

He finds them, half under the bed, and after an awkward moment of dressing while Jaejoong watches him, they emerge from their room together.

Everyone else is awake already, chatting over rice and soup about the future. It doesn't take much time to realize that everyone else still has their womanly bodies, and Yoochun pauses awkwardly in the doorway.

Yunho is the first to look up as Jaejoong steps past Yoochun and into the kitchen. He smiles and waves, and Yunho drops his spoon.

"What?" he says, sounding incredulous. "You two? How? Why?"

Jaejoong shrugs, blushing, and Yoochun steps up beside him, feeling weirdly like he should cross his arms over his chest.

There's a clattering of dishes and silverware as everyone gets up from the table for a closer inspection, and a moment later Yoochun and Jaejoong are surrounded by their bandmates, feeling like a couple of science experiments or something.

"Seriously," Changmin says. "What did you two do?"

Yoochun and Jaejoong exchange a look. Jaejoong is already turning a little red at the thought of answering that.


"This is the worst idea any of you have ever had," Changmin says, staring at the ceiling.

In one of the most awkward moments of his life, Yoochun had explained, in vague terms, what had happened the night before. He didn't think he'd ever seen Junsu blush so hard, and now Changmin refuses to look at either of them. Yunho, though, had been thoughtfully considering the information for a few minutes before he decided that sex was the key to undoing the womanly transformation.

There had been a mixed reaction to this conclusion, and ultimately the idea of a threesome presented itself.

"Would you rather stay a woman forever?" Yunho asks, and Changmin sighs.

Junsu is silent throughout the entire discussion, staring fixatedly at his women's soccer magazine, though he never once turns the page.

"Junsu?" Yunho says, softly. "What do you think?"

Junsu is blushing like he might just burst, and Yoochun slides a little closer to him on the couch, stretching an arm across his shoulders. Junsu glances up at him with a nervous smile, and Yoochun smiles back.

"Are you okay?" he asks quietly, and Junsu just nods. "You don't have to do this-"

"No," Junsu says, glancing down at the magazine again. "No, it's okay. I want to."

He sort of chokes on the last part, and Yoochun isn't sure he really means it until he looks up again, glancing at first Yunho and then Changmin.

"I would rather it be… you know, with you guys."

Junsu smiles again, and it looks a little more genuine this time, though just as afraid. Yunho smiles, and Changmin tears his gaze away from the ceiling to smile a little at Junsu too.

"This is completely ridiculous," Changmin says.


Yoochun is not entirely sure he should be here for this. Actually, he's pretty sure that he shouldn't.

Yoochun and Jaejoong had helped them push Yunho's bed up against Changmin's, trying to make a bed large enough for the three of them, and then they'd gotten to talking, and now Yoochun's not sure what he's supposed to do-if this is going to be some weird voyeur thing, if he's supposed to just watch his bandmates have sex while he and Jaejoong stand awkwardly beside them.

Yunho and Changmin are sitting on the giant bed. Yunho is looking focused and serious, wearing some practical white lace bra that he claims minimizes his boobs, and Changmin is looking annoyed and bored, pretending not to notice that he's wearing a little silk negligee thing that Yoochun is sure he didn't own before yesterday. Junsu is still lingering to the side a little in his pajamas, paused between Yoochun and Jaejoong, holding Jaejoong's hand and laughing in little nervous fits.

Yoochun reaches out, touches his side a little, and mumbles something comforting, like "it'll be okay", and then Junsu surprises him, kisses him in a soft little chaste movement that ends with a smile against Yoochun's mouth.

"Thank you," Junsu says, and then Yunho is pulling him up onto the bed and he's dropping Jaejoong's hand.

Yoochun glances at Jaejoong, and catches him watching Yoochun, smiling a little.

"This is weird, right?" Yoochun says, glancing back at the bed, where Changmin is kissing Junsu's neck while Yunho kisses his mouth.

"Yeah," Jaejoong says, sounding a little breathless.

From this angle, Yoochun can see that Yunho is shoving his tongue in Junsu's mouth, that Changmin has wrapped his arms around Junsu's waist and is sliding a hand under the waistband of his pajama pants. Yoochun is starting to feel a little weird.

"It's late, right," Yoochun says, not exactly breaking his gaze from the scene on the bed.

"Right," Jaejoong says, sounding equally distracted.

Yoochun clears his throat and mumbles about going to bed. Junsu makes a noise that could either be an attempt at goodnight or a stifled moan, and then Yoochun's tugging on Jaejoong's hand, leading him back to their room.


It's late, but neither of them are asleep. Yoochun doesn't know how he knows, but something about the sound of Jaejoong's breathing makes him sure that he's still awake. He feels like he should say something, but he's not sure what there is to say.

Luckily, it's Jaejoong who breaks the silence.

"Do you think if we… do you think we'd become girls again?"

Yoochun pauses, his breath catches in his throat as he tries to figure out how to answer that. Part of him wonders if they would, too, and part of him is okay with that. Another part of him doesn't care at all.

"Do you want to?" he says finally.

"No," Jaejoong says.

Yoochun feels like he can't really breathe. "Oh," he says, trying not to sound disappointed and probably failing.

"I still want you, though," Jaejoong says, soft and embarrassed.

Yoochun doesn't answer right away, tries to let his heartbeat return to normal before he opens his mouth. "Come here," he says, and his voice is weirdly low and gravelly.

Jaejoong doesn't object or pause, just shoves back his covers and crosses the room to Yoochun's bed, where Yoochun is already holding the covers back for him to climb underneath.

Jaejoong is all sharp angles now, as he wedges his way in beside Yoochun, but it's familiar and it's Jaejoong, and Yoochun couldn't be happier. He can just make out Jaejoong's features in the dark, a few breaths away from him, and he can't really help himself-he brushes his knuckles across Jaejoong's cheek, desperate to touch him but also afraid. Jaejoong closes his eyes.

"I love you," Yoochun says softly, feeling a little like his heart might burst.

Jaejoong kisses him then, and Yoochun doesn't really care what happens tomorrow, how they'll wake up and what they'll look like, so long as he stays like this, all tangled up with Jaejoong.


They think that they've done a good job of hiding any sign that they were ever women when their manager arrives home. They've thrown out the bras and the book on menstruation that they'd found in Changmin's things, packed up all of the womanly clothes as if they were from skits and have, for the most part, pretended as if this never happened.

Their manager calls them into a meeting about ten minutes after he's finished unpacking, though, and Yoochun is already starting to worry that he's found out. He's not sure why that worries him, except that it might lead to some weird medical tests or something, and maybe they won't be allowed to be a band anymore.

He looks stern as he stands in front of them, his hands behind his back. He looks almost angry, and Yoochun is apprehensive.

"Who can explain why I found this-"

With a flourish, the manager pulls out a familiar lacy pink bra. Yoochun's stomach flips over, and he feels Jaejoong's eyes on him all of a sudden.

"-in the laundry room?"

There's a horrible silence. Yoochun refuses to look at anyone, just stares at the little scrap of pink lace that he'd washed so tenderly, hung up to dry and forgotten all about.

Yunho tries to save the day.


"Do I have to remind you boys about having girls over? The press is all over, you know, if anyone sees girls coming or leaving here, it will be-"

"Manager, it's mine," Jaejoong says.

Yoochun turns slowly, feeling flushed with embarrassment still as he tears his gaze away from the little pink bra, to stare at Jaejoong.

"…yours?" the manager asks, incredulously. "Jaejoong, why do you have a… why are you wearing women's lingerie?"

Everyone bursts out laughing at that, and even the manager smiles a little, but not the way the members are smiling at each other. It's like their secret now, some small private joke and memory that will always make them a stronger unit. A better family.


They only have half an hour before they're supposed to be on stage again, and this is a really horrible idea, but Jaejoong has been licking his lips at Yoochun all day, making obscene gestures and things when no one else is looking, and it's just really not fair.

So that's why they're stumbling out to the van in hoodies and sunglasses, hurriedly pulling back the door so they can climb into the tiny, cramped, uncomfortable van together. Yoochun isn't even sure how this will work. It's really too small, too confined a space for them to do anything except sit side by side and kiss each other, or something, and Yoochun is sure that will just make things worse for him later.

"How should-" he starts to ask, but Jaejoong is already moving, planting his knees on either side of Yoochun's hips until he's straddling him on the seat. Yoochun swallows, rests his hands gently on Jaejoong's hips, and licks his lips.

Jaejoong is breathing hard, and Yoochun isn't sure if it's the effort of the position, or something else, but he's already having trouble concentrating when Jaejoong leans forward, brushes his lips against Yoochun's.

It's stupid and chaste and teasing, and Jaejoong is practically laughing against his mouth as Yoochun shifts up, desperate to kiss and touch and feel him.

Jaejoong gives in then, sucks on his lower lip as he reaches between them, slides his palm over Yoochun's jeans, presses it against his obvious hard-on and up, where his fingers linger on Yoochun's fly.

Yoochun moans a little into his mouth, and it's embarrassing, but Jaejoong just shoves his tongue into his mouth as he tugs on Yoochun's jeans, tries desperately to get his hand inside of them. Yoochun moves his hands up, under Jaejoong's t-shirt as he kisses him, sliding his palms against Jaejoong's sides and stomach, marveling at how smooth and soft his skin still is as he drops his fingers to Jaejoong's fly.

Jaejoong makes a small noise into his mouth as he works Yoochun's fly open, and Yoochun nearly gasps at the feel of Jaejoong's fingers as they pause against his boxers, tracing the outline of his cock through the soft cotton. Yoochun hooks his fingers into Jaejoong's jeans, tugging them down with one hand, as he drops his other hand down over Jaejoong's ass, and then Jaejoong's gripping him in earnest, trying to just get him off through his boxers.

Jaejoong's cock is hot and heavy in his hand and Yoochun feels awkward about the way he jerks his hand, bumping it up against Jaejoong's stomach with every move, but Jaejoong is still fisting his cock through the cotton, and the kisses are getting sloppier, more hurried, less precise. As Jaejoong's cock slides in and out of his fist, Jaejoong bites down on his lower lip, and as he feels himself coming, all over his shorts and himself and Jaejoong's hand, he lets out an embarrassing, uncontrolled moan, still jerking his fist awkwardly around Jaejoong's cock.

Jaejoong doesn't last much longer-a moment later he's gasping and slumping against Yoochun, and that's when it happens.

There's a terrible crash as the van seat falls forward, and suddenly they're on the floor, but not on the floor, because they're still sort of half in the van seat. They lie there for a moment like that, breathing heavily and exchanging terrified gazes, and it's from this horizontal position that Jaejoong spots the letter.

"What's that?" he asks, reaching across the van floor to tug at a pink envelope shoved underneath the manager's seat.

Yoochun is pretty sure they shouldn't open it-it's addressed to the manager, and it's probably none of their business, but Jaejoong is already letting the contents fall into his hands.

Inside the envelope are pictures of all of the members, along with a letter scrawled in angry red ink. It's from an anti-fan, he can tell almost immediately, and the letter informs the manager of its author's intention to use voodoo on the boys, to make them…

"…women," Jaejoong whispers, staring at the last few angry red characters on the page. He glances up at Yoochun, his eyes wide and shocked. "Do you think…?"

Yoochun doesn't really know what to think, but part of him doesn't care. He'll never tell anyone, but he's sort of grateful for the whole experience. He's not sure if they would ever have had this, otherwise.

It's then that Yoochun catches a glimpse of the van's clock, and realizes that they have exactly fifteen minutes to get cleaned up and back onstage. He hopes no one has been looking for them.

"We have to go," he says, as they struggle to extract themselves from the van seat and each other. "We'll figure it out later."

Jaejoong pockets the letter quietly, and a moment later, as they're stumbling out of the van, pulling up their hoods and pushing their sunglasses back on, Jaejoong takes Yoochun's hand, out in the sunlight.

Yoochun can't say what it is about that that makes him feel so happy, but he spends the rest of the day smiling.

jaejoong, nc-17, yoochun, dbsk, femslash, genderswitch, yoochun/jaejoong

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