Fight scene was really dark and i didn't get if it was staged for the school play or real but she has the injuries afterwards SO ITS SOO CONFUSING , BUT STILL Fight scene was awesome.
Soo Tori was at Toei Building the other day and was watching Kamen Rider Making from the window haha he felt guilty * he's filming for a cm but have no idea what it is yet.
* Here's Where Rin Mentioned Shinkenger in her lastest blog :D! hehe soo Happy : second time shes mentioned the show this year
Seriously the other week she said the supermarket ran out of strawberries so she had to resort to another fruit haha !
* Why are my Idols sooo adorable ;)!
OH yeah get aload of ShinkenBlack * aka Nimi Haruto ;)!
;)! see you next time if anyone even views lol ! speaking of views
* preview to a video am kinda working on i want to get past my weakness of not being able to do slow videos : am losing confidence in my editing even though today a fellow suber / friend said i put passionate into my videos, i know i do but hearing it from someone else hits you more .
I should of realized it Sooner
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