Kyou Koi Wo Hajimemasu Want to give your heart a break
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Please watch In FULL Screen HD * If you liked the video or Tori please check out my Channels He's My Idol and i have alot of videos hehe :D! thank you
Dedicated to My Sis who watched this with Me even though shes across the world , The Movie is even more Special because we watched it together and i am soo happy she loved it. I worked so hard on this , i feel its one of My Best and its got to be its dedicated to someone very special in life. Love you Sis :D
○ Kyou, Koi Wo Hajimemasu / Love for beginners (live-action)
○ Kyota Tsubaki ( Tori Matsuzaka )
○ Tsubaki Hibino ( Emi Takei )
I Am Soo Proud of this so if you could please leave a comment or rate because if you could do that it means alot , even watching the video means alot
Also if your a fan of Matsuzaka Tori if you havnt already please join My Fansite , nearly on 9000fans the support and am just overwhelmed with happiness its fun to see new fans find him everyday .
Thank you
Kyou Koi Wo Hajimemasu One of My Favorite Manga's i been waiting for this Movie since 27th November 2011 * haha yeah that long ... its awesome how it was announced ont he 27th * how do i know that well u can find a video i made with the anime then Tori and Emi that day , it was also that day i read the entire manga and fell.
in love with it.
Thanx to RiderProxy i got My Blueray Box Set last monday and then rewatch it tuesday haha * which btw is awesome best film boxset of Tori's i got so far * Just wish it had deleted scenes and a longer making.
Heres a Photo of The Blueray Boxing so much Stuff hehe
Please support the actors in Buying the Film if you can / not ask for a download cause i don't have one.
its one to watch they followed the manga so well : only complaint i thought the fair date was in the wrong place not sure as i haven't read it in a while and i could of loved to have seen Tsubaki copy Kyouta on the kissing thats one of my favorite parts of the manga.
*5 in the Charts ,and on amazon its one on number one youth movies and 2 and 3 on another yeah !
This is the Last of Matsuzaka Tori's Film from last year i have bought and the first out of the three films to make a tribute to.
About the video i found the song and instantly thought it fit them . Kyouta avoided the I love you or like you and never fell in love and played games with people cause he didn't want to get close or he would get hurt Tsubaki changed all that and opened his life to another world.
I new Tori would be great for this character i mean its what he portrays alot but yes as soon as i read the manga i was very exciting and for Emi to , they have great chemistry together. This is the type of Movie you love or like but then you can't stop thinking about afterwards , i mean no matter how many times i watch the ending i just tears ! ... soo emotional , beautifully done.
The film for the bonus was that i got to see Tori and Takanashi Rin * aka Mako have a scene or two together that was amusing cause i got very excited.
again thank you so much for watching means alot , i feel like i been losing faith in my editing and thats why i was on editors block , i have so many ideas but i feel am not ready to face them cause i have weaknesses .
I know my Weakness : its going in order * i do that alot defo with Takeru and Mako cause SSS its Takeru's Story and also , i don't know how you pro's do it but matching the beat but being able to show the scene and emotion off at the same time.
I felt with this video a strengthened my Weakness i am my biggest critic seriously though, was proper losing faith , feel stronger now .
I will probably go ahead soon and make that osama to boku tribute and also for Tsunagu i will probably do that 4th July as a Tribute to My Mum cause it would be her Birthday .