5 times Chinen visited Ryutaro in his room

Jun 06, 2011 06:13

Title: 5 times Chinen visited Ryutaro in his room
Pairing: Chiitaro
Genre: Various
For: lovetoosweet

“Make yourself at home, Chinen-kun!” That being said, Chinen began snooping around and checking out the younger boy’s belongings. Ryutaro just stood there and let his room be inspected. The younger boy just sat on his bed, observing Chinen as he picked up a worn out photo album and smiled.

Ryutaro was sitting on his bed and reading a random manga he picked up from his shelf. It was those rare days when they were given day off’s and he decides to do his homework later in the evening. It was almost getting to the good part when he heard something hard banging on his window. He set down the manga and stalked over the window and opening it to see his boyfriend, Chinen, waving frantically at him with a smile. The younger boy leaned into the sill and smiled. The other boy gave him the thumbs up and in a blink of an eye, small arms were wrapped around his waist and a familiar warmth enveloped him, making his insides all fuzzy. “Idiot.” He muttered, smiling to himself.

“I told you, I was just finishing up a project with Yama-chan. You running out in that storm was completely uncalled for. Look, now you’re sick and in bed. You poor thing.” Chinen kissed his boyfriend’s forehead before smiling at him fondly. Ryutaro looked away with a huff and hoped that the heat spreading to his face was because of the fever and not because of what his boyfriend did. “You’re really cute when you’re jealous, Ryu-chan.” His heart was beating like crazy and hearing Chinen’s giggles wasn’t helping it calm down. He carefully faced the older boy and puckered up his lips childishly. Chinen giggled and covered the younger’s lips with his own and getting pulled towards the bed in the process.

He was tired. DEAD tired. It was almost midnight and his bed was calling to him. He dragged himself to bed and cocooned himself with the blankets and in a few moments, he was off to dreamland.

At 3AM and half awake, he felt something heavy on top of him and something wet trailing down his chest. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Chinen licking his way down his abs. He screamed and jerked away from the older boy who looked at him with those “innocent” eyes. “W-What the hell are you doing here Chii? It’s 3AM. Shouldn’t you be in bed and asleep by now?” The younger boy groggily said as he rubbed his eyes and sat up, looking at the other boy only to be pushed down the bed forcefully. Chinen smirked as he planted a hard kiss on the younger’s  lips and slipped his tongue the moment he felt the other gasp. Their tongues battled for dominance and their hands flying everywhere, touching anything. Both boys pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other’s, gasping for air and smiling. “So tell me why you’re REALLY here and not at your house snuggling up to your Squirrel pillow?” A dark tint of red colored the older boy’s cheeks as he looked away and mumbled, “Ryu-chan looked so hot dancing that one time.” Ryutaro smirked as he stealthily changed their positions and started leaving bite marks along Chinen’s neck, “R-ryuu, no f-fair...” The older boy moaned as Ryutaro bit his collarbone and started sucking and licking. “F-fuuuuuuck, R-ryutaro!” And the younger boy smirked, mentally noting that he should have sexy solos like those more often.

He put the old books, photo albums and a big case of all his video games in a big box. He sighed, a depressed one. Moving to America wasn’t really a big deal at first, in fact, he used to be so excited to be away from his annoying “friends”. He wanted to leave... immediately. But now, he felt the total opposite; He didn’t want to go. Something, or rather someone, was holding him back, making him regret ever accepting that scholarship to Yale. They loved each other so much and yet here he was, packing up his stuff and getting ready for his flight in the early morning.

Picking up the last book, he shook out of his reverie and heard a cough coming from the door to his room. There stood Chinen Yuuri, his now-ex-boyfriend with his fists clenched and his head bowed and shaking like crazy. Silence. It was deafening if you ask him. He was waiting, expecting, hoping that the older boy would jump into his arms and tell him not to go but what Chinen said surprised him, “Forget about me,” followed by a slap to his face and running off. Ryutaro just stood there, cradling his aching cheek as the tears slowly slid down his face and the memories of them he was trying hard to forget.

A/N: HAPPY 1 YEAR ATE JOEY! 8DD ♥ Your other fics are yet to be written plus that making out part. ^^

genre: angst, genre: fluff, genre: pg, drabbles, p: chiitaro

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