Okayama drabbles

May 22, 2011 17:05

Title: Random Okayama song drabbles
Pairing: Okamoto/Yamada
Genre: Various
Summay: NEED THIS BE? -.-

1.) “Just admit it, Yama-chan. You are in love with Keito,” followed by a giggle and furious poking of his cheeks. “Shut up, Yuto. Stop saying such weird stuff.” He swatted the younger’s hand away. Yuto just rolled his eyes and bounced over to Ryutaro who sighed exasperatedly and tried ignoring the older boy and just focused on his phone.

Keito came strolling in with a sleeping Chinen on his back. Carefully lowering the sleeping boy to the nearest couch, he put their bags to one side plopped down beside Yamada, casually putting an arm around the younger’s shoulder. Yamada couldn’t help but blush at the contact and his heart kept beating fast.

“At least out loud, I won’t say I’m in love.”

2.) Keito and Yamada were total opposites, everybody says so. Yamada’s always in the spotlight, dancing so effortlessly whilst Keito’s at the background, playing his guitar. Yamada is always talking, telling stories and weird stuff while Keito’s the quiet type, content with just saying a few words and occasionally nodding his head. Yamada easily gets pissed but Keito doesn’t even know how to get mad. It’s a wonder how they got together and how they’re still together with all their differences.

“Hey Keito,” Yamada started as he continued nuzzling on Keito’s neck and the older boy looked at him, “Hmm?” “People say we’re too different and we won’t last,” Intertwining their fingers, the younger boy continued, “But I think it’s our differences that make this relationship worth all the pain and shit others give us.” Keito could only chuckle and kiss his boyfriend’s forehead, snuggling closer.

“From head to toe, there's nothing in common.”

3.) Keito curled up into a ball and cried while clutching a picture of his dead boyfriend. He noticed the framed picture of the two of them, they were both smiling as Keito pushed Yamada higher on the swings. Furious, he grabbed the photo and hurled it across the room, the sound of breaking glass filling his ears. He knows that everyone will leave this world just not at the age of 17 and on his birthday, too. Keito didn’t expect his boyfriend to die on his birthday, on the day he can finally call himself a man-- Yamada’s man. He cursed his birthday. April 1st will never be the same again. He dreads that date now, the mere memory of Yamada’s smile breaking his reserve and making him cry. He knows that his boyfriend’s in a better place now but he can’t help but miss him. What they had was real, something so pure and yet for it to be broken... it hurts.

“Sometimes when tears come to me, I remember our beautiful memories.”

4.) It hurts. Those five words pierced through his heart like an arrow. It crumbled all his hopes, his dreams, his love. What hurts even more is seeing his expression while saying it: the cold, emotionless look in his eyes that used to twinkle with mirth, his lips pursed in a straight line that now spoke only of hurtful things and that tongue that’s sharper than any blade he used to slit his wrists with. He changed him, he changed for him. He became a better man, stopping his habit of just punching any guy that pissed him off even the slightest bit, slowly stopped smoking until he can refuse any offer and even stopped drinking everyday. But, for those five words to leave his beloved’s mouth, it was enough to make him insane. Hell, just leaving him for a second would’ve made him want to hang himself. He doesn’t want his fears to become reality-- fears of him leaving, watching him walk out of his life forever. Because it hurt him to even think of what a day would be like without the other beside him, caressing his cheeks, running a hand through his hair and whatnot. He found love in the other, he found love when he needed it, he found love when everybody in the world was selfish enough to not give him any. And now, there he is, on his knees and shouting his name so many times as if it would bring the other boy back and ignoring the reality that the other is out of his life.

“Keito.” he whispered as he felt the slight pitter patter of the rain slowly wetting his clothes.

“I can’t hold it in I need you in my life.”


Yuto gently pushed Yamada towards the oldest 7 member who was playing his guitar alone, unaware of what his two bandmates were doing. As soon as Yamada was in front of the English Boy, Yuto dashed out of the door. The younger boy fidgetted, waiting for the other to notice his presence. “Ah, Yamada-kun. What is it? Do you want me to treat you to another strawberry cake?” Said boy just looked down while shaking his head, hiding his red cheeks. “U-uhm... I-I-I...” Goddamn it, he was stuttering. It didn’t help that the other boy cocked his head to side cutely that made him just want to jump him and just ravish him right there. He shook the thoughts away and took a deep breath before speaking again, this time finally looking at the older boy when he suddenly felt Keito’s lips on his, one of his muscular arms around his small waist and the other holding the guitar. When the older boy pulled away, Yamada could only gasp and mutter incoherent sounds. Keito just smirked and winked at him, “I like you too, Yamada-kun.”


Keito will punch anyone who thinks bad of his Yamada. |D

genre: angst, p: okayama, genre: fluff, genre: pg, drabbles

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