bad. . . *controls fangirling*

Jul 06, 2007 15:13

Not good...not good...not good... I went all fangirly....


AAHHHHH WHY. SO. CUTE. OH NOESSS *resist, resist!!*

Not to mention the free hugs are sflksfj & the song is fudging catchy, too!

Oh okay, while somewhat on topic... BIG BANG has some good songs *O* Ahaha I like how they did a cover for Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together" (right?) and Maroon 5's "This Love" but with a TOTALLY different melody, even though the tune(? rhythm?) and beat are alike, lol.
But WAA THEY ARE YOUNG, NO? I was surprised. They don't look so My age and younger...which I guess isn't so young? Maybe I'm just used to older groups, LOL.

- - - -

*frustration over wedding* So disorganized... just hope they can get everything done on time. =__=

random rants: life, random rants: kpop, group: super junior

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