HUGE POST => Birthday Boys | CAPSPAMS => DBSK & SUJU

Jul 05, 2007 23:55

As promised, woo commentable entry
*is so lame*

LOLLL Kara challenged me to get at least 1 comment-able entry everyday for a week.
XDDD lskdf you are cruel Kara, bribing me with goodies ;_;
you know I can't resist them, Lol.
Mehh we'll see. LOLL~
Youuuu just wanna be first again.

Okay, 'nuff talk. TO THE POINT NOW.
*WARNING* Long as usual and...beware? xDv I don't expect you to read everything, mostly the msgs I posted for Jinny & Massuki, lol.

LET'S GET TO SOME NEWS (no, not the group) FIRST :Dv

Koya as Troy in High School Musical 2

^___^ Uwaa, it took the Americans a year to come out with the 2nd one, and it takes the Japanese to come out in a few months, LOL.

Also heard from
iruy that Pipi has a new CM out. YAYS. New advertisement product? LOL cartwheels. I can't wait to see it. x]

Godd why do I love commercials so much? Okay, only JE commercials. What? Because Western commercials are BLEH AND RUNS FOR FIVE MINUTES BEFORE THE SHOW STARTS, GAWD! *strangles self*

Oh yeah, and I hope it's OK with 
flawl3ss27 that I post this, but she noticed something interesting in the new Yushi scan.

Aww Yushi hope your toe gets better
Did Shigeko stomp you for sitting on Koya's lap all the time? XD *chu* Take care lahh~

...okay actually this whole cut relates to NEWS, LOL.

Birthday Boys


I know I'm late a day, but better late than never?

*NOTE* This post of mine is not x-posted anywhere, so these are treats for those that comes to my LJ, and not through comms :). Prz to not repost these without letting me know na?


BIRTHDATE: July 4th, 1986

- Why are you so freaking cute?

- Why do you heart & care about Pipi so much that it even makes Leelee blush & go "KYAAA"?

- Why are you so chunkily adorable?

- Why are you so cute?

- Why are you such like a teddy?

- Why is your style so...unique?

- Why is your smile so contagious?


Okay, 'nuff said? Every time I look at Massuki, all I can think about is "CUTE", "TEDDY", ADORABLE"! But being labeled those for too long gives him no room to expand from this image he's implanted in all the fans' minds, but I cannot help it. Apart of me wants him to stay like this forever (as you can tell he's never really changed ever since NEWS debuted XDDD), and apart of me wants to see "HOT" Massuki, one where I can go both "omfg hawt" and at other times I can go "omfg CUTE", LOL. Though of course I know others do think Massuki's hot, not just cute, and I agree he IS gorgeous lah~ I'm not saying he isn't.

I'm making no sense right now. The whole look isn't what concerns me; it's more about him being able to expand himself and inhaling in new things and learn from them. Something like Yushi, just not really much like that. LOL. Okay fine, he's unique in style, that's opening up to new things, yes? XDDDD;;
But Massuki is happy, yes? If Massu's happy then Leelee is happy. I actually heart him the way he is, he needs not to change if he doesn't want to. ♥

I think Massuki comes off as someone who likes to eat, neat-freak, cheerful & smiles a lot, and zones out to food (XD), but reading a lot of his interviews, the things he says, they're so much more than I expected coming from him. I sometimes wonder if it's the translator or if he really said all this. He can be quite serious &...what's the word, formal? lol.

Leelee hearts all sides of Massuki. Words cannot describe WHY and HOW I ever came to fangirl you as much as I've been doing these days. (laugh)
I hope you never lose that smile, and do smile when you truly mean it because I wouldn't want you to pretend smiling if you're not happy na~ though you always know how to cheer others up with that grin. ♥
Leelee loves Massuki's smile a lot, a lot more than Pipi!! :P He's just saying all those nice things so you won't steal his food. *whacked*


Some Massuki stuff now~!
21 pics!

For the Massuki stuff, HUGEEE thanks to Dee for a ton of them! She spammed me with Massuki pics a while back hehe

DOWNLOAD --> All in one zip for your convenience



BIRTHDATE: July 4th, 1984

You...are my baka rival. Period. LAWL. Jinny (& U-kun) stop spending so much time with Pipi yo! Makes Leelee jealous 'cause she's losing him to you two. D;
I only surrender to Toma xDDD ♥ *stares from RyoPi fans*
Prz to hang with him less! LOLLL *blendered* I'm jk. I'm glad Pipi & U-kun cooked for your birthday. Tell me you didn't get a stomach ache the next day xDD

Let's see...shockingly I happen to talk about you from time to time on my LJ, but when this sort of day comes, I dunno what to say to/about you. (laugh)

Had fun in LA, yes?
Matured, yes? No. XD

I'm now actually glad that you and Pipi are so close. Before, I really wish Pipi didn't spend so much time with you. I had my reasons...and only 2 ppl know why, LOL. You've always given me this image of 'ero', 'does-what-he-wants' type of guy. And I couldn't see any other side of you, because you've always been very neutral to me. I didn't like or dislike you, but when it comes to hearing "PIN", I cringed a bit, I won't lie. Because I didn't understand anything that went on underneath.
Though now that's a different story, LOL.
I think, if I could, I'd definitely want you as a friend as well. Because in front of you, the atmosphere feels natural and one is able to talk normally without worrying about the atmosphere turning awkward if it ever becomes silent (most of the time xD). Basically with you, silence can actually be golden, LOL. Or so this is the impression I'm getting from you.

The only way I can seem to describe you is by bringing up Pipi, lol.
As everyone knows Twinkle Tomo hates liars, & with you, you don't like to pretend to be someone you're not. Pipi probably has more control over that than you do. In example is that time with MatsuJun, where you really fired back at him on Utawara, even though he's your senpai, LOL.

Thus because of this personality of yours, of course Pipi would see it as well, and since you guys have gone through almost a decade together, it's also no wonder you can get along and can entrust in one another.
Maybe it's also because you guys are similar, cherishing friends (which is another aspect about you that I adore), personality alike, so you know what goes on in each other's heads without really needing to say anything. Like Pipi had said before, just being there by that person's side can be enough. No words are really needed between you two anymore to understand each other.

I wish I can tell you that you should be who you want to be, or act the way you want to act, but being in this business, being an entertainer, there are standards and there are certain expectations. Don't lie to yourself if you don't want to because I know trying to be someone you're not is truly a harsh feeling; but compromise would also be a good solution as well.

For me, I think you're doing pretty well ever since you returned. I only hope for things to become better for you in the years to come. More opportunities for you and more chances, to prove to others of what you can do and create.


Okay, anndddd some Bakanishi (& KT-ish) pics/scans for you all~ many were from the forum, many Kara
hrtless_gurl sent to me, and some Kara & I both went to search to post on his bday. SEE HOW SPECIAL YOU ARE YOU DORK? TAKE CARE OF PIPI AND DON'T...TEACH HIM WHAT YOU LEARNED IN LA (even though I'm sure he already knows o.O) I'll be shot for saying that; joke ppl. lol.
I am so selfish, always thinking of Pipi on someone else's birthday. Stoopit Pipi.
I need to be bricked.

DREAM BOYS 2006 Scans

Anyone wanna tell me if this is the complete booklet of it? For KT. 'Cause I feel like I'm missing some



DOWNLOAD --> Akanishi Jin | The Rest of KT
(it'll be in order if you download both)

Anddd since he's 23, and he's got 34503985 new pics of him this year (GAWD), I decided to post just 46 pics of him from this year's shops & unofficial pics that I like.

And why 46...because 23 are official shops and 23 are unofficial pics/scans, that way I can post more pics and still have the #23? :D

23 Official Shops 2007

DOWNLOAD --> Jin Official Shops

23 (Unofficial) 2007 Pictures + Scans

Andd pics from his return~~

DOWNLOAD --> Jin Unofficial Pics+Scans

*Phew* Done with that. WAAAAA it turned out longer than I expected
*O* Wtf? I feel so biased towards these two. Others I don't even fill up 1/4 of my entry, LOL.

Super Junior's MV Making

I reallyyyy shouldn't have downloaded their Making of Haengbok MV...because it got me all sdlfjsf kya-ing. ^o^;;

You damn pretty Cinderella. XDD

They literally made me went "WHOA". XD You both always been this lskdfsjlf kyaaa!?


KIBUM!! The guy that pwns me with his English! Kya LOL~
How cute haha~

Dunno why but my brain exploded at this part. LOL. Geebus cute.

That last part...with the heart...was ultimate cuteness. GAWD. ♥

TOHOSHINKI'S "Summer Dream" PV

I CANNOT not talk about this. I AM GOING ALL DBSK FANGIRLY AGAIN. Not that I never did. Omfg the DBSK fangirl in me is firing up. sdlfksjf
I. miss. Jaejoongie. so. much. it's insane.

Prz to forgive if my caps are a bit Joongie biased ^D^;;

THIS PV IS ERO LAHHH! LOLL so fudging cute and funny and ero XDDD

I miss you too :( You were the first & only one that was a threat to my Pipi fandom. See what impact you have on me, JJ? lawl.

LOL~ cute.

Yunho's dancing pwns me so badly *O*

Junsu's voice pwns me as well!

So let's heart strangled itself to death? LAWL.

. . . Leelee. is. not. hear. right. now. *is no longer breathing*
No seriously, my heart beat...doki doki...twice as fast.
Ero? XD

LOL slfjssdf *faints* Changmin!! Seeee ero lahhh! XDDD

Yoochun looked reallyyy good in here! I like his hair when it's a bit longer ^^ I didn't really like his short hair, heheh~ (^^;)

Their dancing made me LOLed & KYAAA. AHAHAh

I just found this cute, lol.

YOU...why. so. cute? *Leelee turns into puddle of goo*

Zaa bad cap, but such a gorgeous shot of them. ♥

I neeed to catch up on them..badly D;

2Pic #253 - 2007.07.05

They're 'a big kid now'


I can so see his grown face in this baby face (ok that didn't make sense, pretend it did D:). LOL aww~


LOL kawaii. Geebus I feel so Jinny biased today.
You know which baby pic of his I like the most? The one with his big belly XDDD AHAHA.

Last thoughts:: I learned never to trust LJ's "autosaved draft" anymore.

Good thing I saved the entry first before closing Firefox, 'cause after I opened up, the doy autosave gave me a blank page.

I'm gonna faint. I spent HOURS getting back to comments and LJs *Leelee falls over*
...I probably scared everyone away already with all my disabled comments, LOL. m(_ _)m

I was also supposed to talk about
- Kanjani8 (I can't remember what...? LOL)
- TVB (slfkjf series of course, LOL, and the actors/actresses, and scans? =O)
in this entry as well, but that's get WAYYY too long, so I'll leave that to next time. (^^;)

sm: kim jaejoong, pvs, je: koyama keiichiro, news: news, group: super junior, pic spam, scans, leelee's last thoughts, event: je birthdays, 2pic, downloads, capspam, je: akanishi jin, je: masuda takahisa, group: dbsk

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