SUKAJ = WIN | NEWS' Singles Sales?

May 17, 2007 13:56



Oh good gawd when was the last time I cracked up that much? HILARIOUS, HILARIOUS.

There were a lot of funny moments. Watching with subs...definitely funnier. XDD
I so need to cap this later. (laugh)

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BTW, 1 or 2 have asked me this before...but I can't remember who.

But it was asked why doesn't NEWS' single(s) get #1 (like KAT-TUN's Real Face single) since (all) their old singles are all out of stocks?

(This is what I think) It's not 'cause their old singles are out of stocks, I'm guessing it's also because Wrinkle-san doesn't want to sell anymore of their old singles that includes Uchikin & Notti in it. =_=

That's why they're all 'out of stocks', which can also mean that after that they did not manufacture anymore of the NEWS' singles. Or/So once they're actually out of supplies, no more stocking in.

I bet if the singles are still available for purchase, for sure they would definitely still be selling quite alright (but probably still not as much as KAT-TUN's), considering how many new fans NEWS & each member brought to the group.
Like whenever an old single is being sold, many fangirls fight to buy it, including me. (laugh)

That's why you see only their Sayaendou single still available for purchasing.

Oh yeah, so basically it's a talk on their single stockings, not really with why K-T sells more than NEWS. LoL~ my cut is misleading *sweats*

Yesh, I realize that my English is horrible & kiddish, plz don't mind. I suck with tenses and such. Biggest--but not the only--problem XDD;;

I've still got a lot of ppl to get back to, no? On LJ, MSN, & Gmail. m(_ _)m

& gonna have to add some new music on my LJ.. maybe some Chinese ^^; TVB SONGS.

random rants, news, group: kanjani8, cracktastic, show: suka-j, group: kat-tun, disabled comments

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