Some new downloads & random talks .

May 16, 2007 23:37

Kk gonna keep this entry short, 'cause I've gotta run. ^^;

LOL, I suggested Goong for my mom to watch.

'Cause waaa Vdubs of Goong.
Shocking that the dubs are good
Better than usual Vdubs for Korean dramas, IMO.

I don't like watching Vdubs for any dramas other than TVB though
(^^;), but it's still awesome to watch it, ahaha.

Now if only they did Vdubs for jdoramas... >.>
AHAHAHA I wanna see how they dub Akira.

Engagement Party

My cousin's fiance is quite pretty O.O;
Or maybe it's her pack of makeup...?

Dunno but she was prettier than I imagined.
Mom said she was neutral & that my cousin looked better >.>

LOL Moms.

2Pic #224 - 2007.05.16

Guitar = Smexified


It's been a while since we've seen him play the guitar, no? Prz to perform Love Song & play the guitar again, Yamashita TomoPi.

BTW, one day, I will smuack that forehead & that tongue. XDDD Aiyy ero yo


A little off topic but... *is wondering if Bakanishi saw any eps of ProDai* XDD
& Bakanishi with a guitar is always WIN. 8P

Last thoughts:: Ahh does anyone know where I can download or watch online SuJu's "Full House" ep8 subbed?
I can't seem to find it on YouTube
. I wanna finish this show of theirs.

Kk slowly getting back to minna now ^^

OH BTW~ I still have my old entries' comments to reply to as well~ I haven't forgotten! Just need a little more time (^^;)

Massuki's CM

Oh yeah~
As I mentioned before, I thought I had it somewhere.

Has anyone seen this CM of Massuki's yet?
Still trying to look for it ^^;

TegoMasu PV (DVD Version)   

[PV] TegoMasu - Kiss~Kaerimichi no Love Song [DVD version]

I believe the PV is a bit out of synch. Here's one in synch, thanks to
kayen for fixing it ^^

LOL~ just individual shots of them, but at least you get to see closeups of them...?
& the quality is hecka gorgeous *o*

Oh yeah, I just saw caps from the PV making also. lol looks cute.

Zoom In Super - Kusa & Uchi NEWS    (pun intended)

And for now, this is the NBJ subbed clip of the latest Zoom In Super with news on Uchi & Kusa. ^^

ETA:: Mezamashi clip added

[NBJ] 070517 ZoominSuper - Uchi Kusano return

I like that they used NEWS' Akaku song as the BG music.

Am currently DLing an unsubbed (HQ?) version. Will post it in a minute. :)

ETA:: Longer version of Zoom In Super I believe.

[TV] 20070517 Zoom In Super - Uchi Kusano news (1m40s)

ETA #2:: Almost forgot the Mezamashi clip

[TV] 20070517 Mezamashi TV - Uchi Kusano news (3m27s)

Oh BTW, a little clueless, but does anyone know if PLAYZONE ever have clips/FCs for us to see...?

Thank you 
frozen_rii for answering. :)

That's all. Take care~

pvs, je: kusano hironori, je: uchi hiroki, group: tegomasu, random rants, zoom in super, leelee's last thoughts, 2pic, downloads, dorama talk

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