
Mar 27, 2013 11:00

Today's Tokyo forecast:


UPDATE check also my update

Sacas spring 2013

Sponichi final episode of Masaki Aib a(30) of Arashi FTV serial drama Last Hope aired on 26 and audience rate was 8.1%. this started 14.2%, but at episode 2 dropped 11.9%, and later it wasn’t raised up, after ep.7 dropped single digit. average audience rate was 10%

J-net media Sho-kun appear this evening 16:53-19:00 N-sta, TBS

Last Hope DVD & BD on sale 8/21 staff blog

Sponichi Sho Sakurai (31) of Arashi starring AFLAC new CM that on air from starts 4/1, this CM has 2 patterns of  “departure” “consideration green flower garden”. this is 3rd year Sakurai does image character of this company. about “consideration green” about consideration he does on a routine basis. he answers “I don’t butt in other person too much” to the person who have new departure in spring Sakurai said “your environment would change drastically, there might a lot of things you’d struggle. all of these experiences will be your fortune. please cherish your future.”

AFLAC new CM and making was aired at this morning show.


20:00-20:45 “Bridge for tomorrow. let’s go to find seed for hope, NHK Satoshi Ohno ▽旅人:大野智
▽茨城県つくば市・ロボット研究に取り組む「産業技術総合研究所」で、脳波でロボットを動かす研究に励んでいる日仏連携の研究チームを取材するほか、人型ロボット「未夢(ミーム)」と大野のダンス共演もテレビ初公開 ▽さらに大野は、科学を愛する高校生たちとともに様々な実験を体験。爆笑のやりとりを繰り広げるほか、宇宙飛行士を目指す女子生徒と宇宙研究の最先端を学びにJAXA(宇宙航空研究開発機構)を訪れ、日本初の女性宇宙飛行士・向井千秋氏と未来への夢を語り合う。

20:14-21:00 Shonen Club Premium, request special Arashi etc.

6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno Yokohama FM,


Weekly the Television,

Weekly TV guide,

TV LIFE,  serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, 

TV Pia

TV station, serial “catch the Arashi”


Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue. Hitachi ad at Tokyo JR Station, you can get Allegra booklet at drug store.

Upcomings here & Google Calendar format .
recent audience rate here
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