
Mar 26, 2013 09:53

Today's Tokyo forecast:


UPDATE check also my update

Sato directo (family Game director) twitter at 08:82 rain stopped. started a bit late. 

Hikyomotno-san twitter at 09:32 as Sato director tweeted. today started a bit late. secret guest appears. Sakruai-san praised this is good casting. this is sort of homage.   at 20:08 today on-site shooting is over. Otsukare-sama. Mr. secret left without problem

Jiro futa-san (VS producer) shooting is over. last night Drama conference. this on air at Lala TV from 4/6 22:00

Kan-san twitter at 21:24 vs Arashi special shooting is over. fun time past like a flash. guestare gorgeous. plenty content. please look forward to 4/4

4/4 VS Arashi Arashi fight against Tokio. Today Arash and Tokyo were seen at Fuji TV

Yukio Kitamura-san blog

Hana Arashi live streaming of Hana Arashi cherry tree started.

Yomiuri treasured footage of Kanzaburo Nakamura 18th who past away last Dec celebrating new Kabuki teather that opens on 4/2, “Kanzaburo talked by now… exclusive 300 days footage of the life of actor, married couple bond” on air 4/5 at 6:55pm. navigator is Jun matsumoto. navigator Matsumoto is not only Kabuki fan, he is class mate of Hichinosuke, interacted with Kanzaburo like father and son. the life of Kanzaburo and expectation of Kabuki-za with the word that Matsumoto can talk and navigates the show.

Goo movie ranking no.3 Platinum data, 2nd week Platinum Data exceeded 1.1B yen BO sales.

TV life twitter tweeted many tweets about completion of shooting Last Hope. last late night until this early morning

Ken Arashi-san (Last Hope sound track compositor) yesterday at 17:13 completion party before tomorrow Last Hope final episode. Chi-chi-san sound editor twitter, at 20:55 Dr Hatano won iPad min. at 21:38 Dr. Hatano gave this for final gift of lucky draw at 01:14 live Happiness came up! at 01:23 He was groovy, Hashiridase! Hashiridase, Dr. Hatano and Dr. Tachibana and assistant to director team at 04:05 Dr. Hatano’s ipad, in consequence this was given with Dr. Hatano’s warmth to final lucky draw and a staff got it. at4:32 I don’t think Dr.Hatano’s hair didn’t change

Orista blog quote of Aiba-chan at Hana Arashi press conf. to members “I will do examination of all!”


19:00-21:00 Tuesday special, Inocchi & Aiba make miracle tonight special FTV Masaki Aiba transportation in a trice. 4 techniques to idol’s control mind by fortune telling. 相葉瞬間移動マジック▽アイドルダマされた占いで心を操る4つのワザ▽5秒でケータイ盗難!個人情報はこう漏れる▽密室潜入の謎見抜けばあなたの手に100万円 ;;

21:00-21:54 Last Hope FTV Masaki Aiba ep.11 波多野卓巳(相葉雅紀)たちは、町田恭一郎(中原丈雄)への肺提供の意志を2人の息子、真一(要潤)と恵介(石田卓也)から得た。そして、生体肺移植の準備を進めるのだが、当の恭一郎に息子たちからの肺提供を拒否されてしまう。そんな時、鳴瀬哲司(髙嶋政宏)が卓巳と橘歩美(多部未華子)の前で突然倒れてしまった。意識を失う寸前、鳴瀬は生体肺移植を成功させて欲しいと卓巳たちに託す。脳腫瘍の腫瘍内出血だった鳴瀬は卓巳によって直ちに処置されるのだが、重篤な状態に陥ってしまった。恭一郎の拒否により手術を行う事も出来ず、高度先端医療センターの責任者、鳴瀬の不在。石原隆一病院長(大石吾朗)たち病院幹部は恭一郎を転院させることを考え始めた。卓巳と歩美は、真一、恵介とともに恭一郎の病室へ。2人の息子は生きて欲しいと、恭一郎に手術することを訴える。だが、恭一郎は応じようとしない。すると、卓巳が突然、家族の説得に口を挟む。いつになく、熱い口調で真一たちの覚悟を語る卓巳。その思いは、自らの重い宿命にも重なっていた…。果たして、恭一郎の生体肺手術は行われるのか? 鳴瀬は? そして、卓巳が背負っている宿命とは? 全ての謎が明らかに! 『ラストホープ』ついに完結。

6:45-6:50 Arashi Discovery Morning step Satoshi Ohno Yokohama FM, “I think I cherish the things. as I can wear same cloth all the time as I don’t change height any more.I like the thing I use. so hardly got many thing. I don’t know when I change tooth brush. when you used brush, the brush got outside. but I think this could be fine, I think can comes between teeth. but I think it’s time to change. I don’t know the timing to change. I don’t know this is good or bad.”


Aiba Hope

VS Arashi


Fasio store fixture,Hitachi Catalogue. Hitachi ad at Tokyo JR Station, you can get Allegra booklet at drug store.

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