Sep 27, 2008 19:49
i've been busy lately but did manage to see Wall-E and Eagle Eye. deathlycute and actionpacked, respectively, go see! i have a week off from uni ("mid-sem break" even though it's not the middle of the semester) but will most likely disappear for awhile as i try to crawl my way out from underneath assignments.
i went to a Psych Honours info thingy which both motivated and discouraged me. it sounds really interesting, although i realllly doubt i'd be able to get in as there are only 90 spots available and at least twice as many people apply (who fit the criteria for admission). not being pessimistic here, just realistic in that i've realised i probably won't have strong enough marks to make it through. but we'll see.
in other future job news, i went to a Writing &Publishing seminar and it was SO GOOD. i am pumped, realised that this is what i really want to do: be an editor or publisher, something in that industry. now you probably wonder why i bothered with the Psych Honours thing but i'm trying to keep my options open because like i found out again, apparently it's majorly difficult to get your foot in the publishing industry. so idk how that's gonna come about but i am determined to do it somehow, i don't care how long it takes or how poor i am but i'm gonna make it happen. :| mhm. (we were told it doesn't pay well either, haha! why do i always pick possible jobs which are extremely competitive and most likely aren't the best career choices? damn my stubborn, weird choicemaking ability. damn my heart.)
ya. life is not very post-worthy at the moment, evidently.
career stuff,
uni stuff