One. [Video / Action for anyone at New Bark : Backdated to the 13th]

Dec 15, 2011 23:24

[Yukiko has just heard the talk about where they are and what is going on, and is now sat in New Bark looking a little put out. She's still holding onto her Vulpix, especially as the little fox Pokémon seems to be warm, though she also has her backpack at her feet and her Pokégear in her hands. Today was turning out to be a pretty bad day ( Read more... )

video, ic, action, let's do this grrr, how do we pokegear

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Comments 196

[nothing yet] 1/I don't even know isthisourchance December 15 2011, 23:30:46 UTC
[So after the whole mess with the weekend of missing memories and teleportations -- the second Chie's experienced, and it can happily be the last as far as she's concerned -- she woke up in Olivine City with her little traveling party. Well, that was their next stop anyway, so at least Johto had been a little kind this time. Still, she's a little annoyed as she pulls out her Pokégear and pages through the recent posts to see where everybody's ended up.]


wow I am slow. Chie stop having feelings isthisourchance December 15 2011, 23:49:15 UTC
[And it doesn't take her long to find Yukiko's accidental post. Her fingers freeze, eyes going wide as she hears that familiar voice. Her heart jumps into her throat and she grins uncontrollably. She's back, Yukiko's back --]


isthisourchance December 15 2011, 23:55:54 UTC
[...again. Just like the last time, and the time before that. She has a new partner and she doesn't seem to remember anything. Just like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that.

Chie's excitement dissolves as her brain catches up to the situation. This is getting to be too familiar. She shows up, she's around for a couple of months, if Chie's really lucky they get like three or four conversations in... and then she vanishes again, like she was never even there.]


isthisourchance December 16 2011, 00:03:27 UTC
[Before she realizes she's doing it, Chie punches a wall. Johto's just mocking her now, isn't it? Is this just going to keep up forever? A revolving door of Yukiko coming and going, as long as Chie's still trapped here? How the hell is she supposed to be happy about seeing her best friend when she knows it's not going to last?]


[video] restardom December 16 2011, 00:25:18 UTC
Whoa, Yukiko-senpai?! You could at least say hello!



[video] yamagidyne December 16 2011, 23:14:56 UTC
[SHES GOING TO STAY. Though she won't be able to say this really, she doesn't even know she's been here before!]

Oh! Rise-chan? [She sounds a little uncertain, mainly because she's not sure what the PokéGear does. Or that it's that what is talking to her.

Her Vulpix helps out with that though, nudging it towards her with it's nose, so Rise gets a nice full screen of that for a second.]

I'm sorry, I didn't realise this had this sort of function.


[video] restardom December 17 2011, 07:38:39 UTC
It's okay... it's a little tricky at first.

[ and that tells her everything she already suspected. ] Did Chie-senpai get to you first?


[video] yamagidyne December 17 2011, 16:08:28 UTC
I see. [There's a few beeps as she clicks the wrong button and just... oops.]

I think so? This is a little confusing.


[video] manlymanly December 16 2011, 00:46:33 UTC
Wrong! You are currently on the complete opposite side of the map! Your goal is to reach the giant red X on it!


[video] yamagidyne December 16 2011, 23:15:40 UTC
[When she works out the voice is coming from the 'Gear and picks it up... have a very confused look.]

I'm sorry?


[video] manlymanly December 17 2011, 02:48:50 UTC
I saaaaaaai~d.

You need to reach the giant red X on your map.


[video] yamagidyne December 17 2011, 05:03:37 UTC
But there is no giant red X on the map.


video; usedkunai December 16 2011, 07:10:52 UTC
[Oh... oh shit. Yosuke can't help but feel wary; Yukiko has come and gone more than once, and while it bothers him? He can handle it. But he worries for Chie's sake especially.]

[But rather than really let that part shows, he lets out a laugh and handles things just the same as he's done the last couple of times she's arrived.]

Yo, nice of you to join us, Yukiko! Hehehe.


video; yamagidyne December 16 2011, 23:18:36 UTC
[FEEL SORRY FOR ALL THE WALLS EVER. Though yes, it is kind of... a pain? Not like she knows about any of this.

What she does know, is that while they appear to be in another world, he seems ...happy? So it can't be that bad, right?]

Yosuke-kun? [Have a sigh of relief.] Are the others here too? [She's judging that by the 'us' part though, more than anything else.]


video; usedkunai December 17 2011, 00:41:34 UTC
The one and only! [He laughs, winking into the camera. He knows all too well how jarring arrival is, and he knows just as well that when it comes to their friends, giving a positive outlook from the get-go is the way to start.]

[At least, that's how it is for him; he likes Johto, for the most part - so if they have to be there, it's best they all like it as best they can, he thinks.] Yeah, most of the gang's here. Now that you're here, Naoto's the only one not around.

[There is something slightly melancholic about the way he says it, but he's still smiling fondly.]


video; yamagidyne December 17 2011, 00:59:13 UTC
["Jarring" is one way of putting it. She actually thought everything had started again and she'd been thrown back into the TV world or something.

The positive outlook is definitely a nice thing to be greeted with, yes!]

Oh, really? [She glances back at the map.] Where is everyone? [The map is a little disorientating as well, especially after coming out of her "house" into snow. Lots and lots of it, too.]


video; ofmywill December 16 2011, 12:27:28 UTC
[ Scanning the network for entertainment while on the road: always a clever idea! Travelling with Chie as he was, he couldn't help but notice that reaction, and subtly checks up to see what's happening here.

Ah. Some girl, with a sweet fox! ]

Need a hand?


video; yamagidyne December 16 2011, 23:20:51 UTC
[Please make sure she doesn't kick down a wall, Minato!

Vulpix is really helpful already though, luckily. As she's already holding up the map for Yukiko to look at.]

Thank you, but I think Agi seems to understand I'm a little at a loss about what to do now I'm here.

[Not to mention she can't seem to summon her Persona anymore, it's all a little disorientating.]


video; ofmywill December 17 2011, 00:14:18 UTC
Catch Pokemon, mostly. Travel.

[ A girl after his own heart right there-- the very first thing he noticed was the lack of Orpheus in his head. The name Agi pings him too, a glimmer of interest entering his expression. ]


video; yamagidyne December 17 2011, 00:20:25 UTC
Pokemon? [It rings a bell in her head, but she doesn't... play video games. Ever. So that's a little confusing.] If I wanted to travel I could have done that at home though.

[She sighs faintly - though yes, only she doesn't have to ~shoot herself in the head~ to summon hers. A little nicer, that. She won't actually say anything about it unless asked though, either.]


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