Dec 16, 2003 21:58
a few things to say, then i'm not really updating much in this journal.
ok one thing is, my other journal is "dreams_tomorrow" and it's pretty much friends only. but not the friends only that just post shit like "hey i'm hereand i hope you add me," i mean like the friends only as in the ones that are like, "hey lets hang out on this day or soon" or shit of that nature. this journal will be solely used to tell all of you peoples the truth about shit, yes mainly the natalie taht diserves it so much.
next, i want to say how utterly pissed i am. why now, because someone has come onto my moms property, and hit my datsun on the passenger side fender with a baseball bat, just once, really hard. eough to be a pain in the ass. not to bad because i have a spare fender lying around but the point is it is still going to be a pain in the ass.
some of you might say that i deserve it, for the shit i am about to put natalie through, that is exactly why i suspect someone i know has done it or knows who has. some might say natalie did it. i say no. i know better, but i do beleive she knows who. for one, of all the places i could be hit, it is in the best place i could hope for, and she knows that. i know she has some influence over people and some people wnat to protect her or her image. so i really believe with all my heart that it was someone she knows, even if she has no ida about it.
for this, i am really going to let the shit out. i happen to have a few things in mind now. whatever
also, i would really appreciate if everyone that reads my journal, if any, let me know what they think about my recent actions, givin there prior knowledge of who i am, and what they know of the situations, what are your feelings on what i am doing.
what i am doing is not imbaressing natalie, or screwing her life for the fun of it. but i am telling the truth to everyone, telling people shit that they really should know, or at least i feal they should know, let you all get to know the real natalie, to see if you really know her, or want to know her. i am not just going to explode with all i have to everyone, there are people who need to know some stuff that others don't. like for example. baker, i need to tell you some things about what she thinks of you or some stuff she may of had an involvement in that you don't know about. and genessa, well i really have something special for you. but this isn't just going to be installments either. it will all be the same time, i will write up some shit to some people, make some calls to others, and whatnot. i will shatter everything at once, kinda like what happened to me. but whatever. enough for now.
i just want to know what everyone thinks, i want to know who is against this and who isn't, i also want to know who really are my friends at this point to. if i have any. but whatever.
and if i ever find out who has done what they have to my car, there will be no mercy. i loved that car more than family, i will treat it like like someone killed my brother.
ok for a more happy sense, i went to a fettish party with jen on saturday, wow, there was mad naked everywhere, jen went wearing plastic wrap, hot, and we had much FUN, also i think about everyone there wanted one of us in some way, some REALLY wanted us. wow, the photos. they were crazy, yeah jen rocks, this time she looked better than my lame ass, but i quickly got a bit naked so i didn't matter, yeah, uhm jen and i rock, especially teh jen. next time, i think i will just start the party naked, but whatever, off to my other journal. once again, jen, you rock, i love you,.