Не "so what?", а "fuck you!"

Jan 27, 2020 09:07

Трап вчера ночью откликнулся на новость о Болтоне: I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens. In fact, he never complained about this at the time of his very public termination. If John Bolton said this, it was only to sell a book.

With that being said, the transcripts of my calls with President Zelensky are all the proof that is needed, in addition to the fact that President Zelensky & the Foreign Minister of Ukraine said there was no pressure and no problems.

Additionally, I met with President Zelensky at the United Nations (Democrats said I never met) and released the military aid to Ukraine without any conditions or investigations - and far ahead of schedule. I also allowed Ukraine to purchase Javelin anti-tank missiles. My Administration has done far more than the previous Administration.
Казалось бы, если Трамп знает, что НИКОГДА не говорил Болтону, что помощь связана с расследованиями/документами, то он должен был бы хотеть показаний Болтона. Ну, что Болтон под присягой врать будет что ли?

Но нет. Трамп: The Democrat controlled House never even asked John Bolton to testify. It is up to them, not up to the Senate!
Про "never asked" Трамп, как обычно, врет.

Еще более показательно вот что. Это сегодняшние "Fox & Friends".
Brian Kilmeade says John Bolton's book manuscript being "leaked out" is "more evidence that people within the administration are against the administration." Kilmeade also says it's "devastating timing, because this thing was on the fast track to closing out without witnesses." pic.twitter.com/SytTnCQ53g
- Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) January 27, 2020
"This thing was on the fast track to closing out without witnesses..."

"yeah he did it, fuck you" -- более точная характеристика позиции трампистов, чем "so what?"

Еще раз напомню, что не так давно позицией тех же ребят было "it would be nice to know what it is". Но сейчас лучше не знать, что произошло, и close out this thing without witnesses.
Steve Doocy: "If the president said 'I will give you the money but you've got to investigate Joe Biden,' that is really off-the-rails wrong. But if it's something else, you know, it would be nice to know what it is." pic.twitter.com/1sn5jLewtF
- Tgage (@tgagemurphy) January 27, 2020
P.S. Из смешного:
I blame cancel culture https://t.co/zrLOeI3PGG
- Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) January 27, 2020

Update: Вот, наверное, лучший клип на эту тему. Полминуты всего, посмотрите.
we all knew it would come to this, and yet it's still so amazing to watch pic.twitter.com/HJp1bK9UNJ
- Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) January 27, 2020
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