
Jan 26, 2020 21:44

Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Inquiries He Sought, Bolton Book SaysPresident Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens, according to an unpublished manuscript by the former adviser, John R. Bolton.


Mr. Bolton’s explosive account of the matter at the center of Mr. Trump’s impeachment trial, the third in American history, was included in drafts of a manuscript he has circulated in recent weeks to close associates. He also sent a draft to the White House for a standard review process for some current and former administration officials who write books.

Multiple people described Mr. Bolton’s account of the Ukraine affair.
Болтон также совершенно ясно говорит (в пока неопубликованной книжке), что и Барр, и Помпео, и Малвени были прекрасно осведомлены о происходящем, хоть Барр говорит, что он ничего не знал, а Малвени -- что он выходил из комнаты, когда Трамп говорил по телефону с Джулиани.Mr. Bolton also said that after the president’s July phone call with the president of Ukraine, he raised with Attorney General William P. Barr his concerns about Mr. Giuliani, who was pursuing a shadow Ukraine policy encouraged by the president, and told Mr. Barr that the president had mentioned him on the call. A spokeswoman for Mr. Barr denied that he learned of the call from Mr. Bolton; the Justice Department has said he learned about it only in mid-August.

And the acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, was present for at least one phone call where the president and Mr. Giuliani discussed the ambassador, Mr. Bolton wrote. Mr. Mulvaney has told associates he would always step away when the president spoke with his lawyer to protect their attorney-client privilege.


Mr. Bolton also described other key moments in the pressure campaign, including Mr. Pompeo’s private acknowledgment to him last spring that Mr. Giuliani’s claims about Ms. Yovanovitch had no basis and that Mr. Giuliani may have wanted her removed because she might have been targeting his clients who had dealings in Ukraine as she sought to fight corruption.
Адвокат Болтона обвиняет в утечке Белый Дом:Mr. Bolton’s lawyer blamed the White House for the disclosure of the book’s contents. “It is clear, regrettably, from the New York Times article published today that the pre-publication review process has been corrupted and that information has been disclosed by persons other than those properly involved in reviewing the manuscript,” the lawyer, Charles J. Cooper, said Sunday night.

He said he provided a copy of the book to the White House on Dec. 30 - 12 days after Mr. Trump was impeached - to be reviewed for classified information, though, he said, Mr. Bolton believed it contained none.
Теперь вспомним, что говорила защита Трампа в субботу: Purpura: "Not a single witness testified that the president himself said that there was any connection between any investigations and security assistance, a presidential meeting, or anything else."
Белый Дом получил текст книжки Болтона 30 декабря.

Я не удивлюсь, если и сейчас республиканцы в Сенате откажутся вызвать Болтона. Наверное, это даже наиболее вероятно. Но, я надеюсь, что, если еще есть люди, которые искренне не считают рассмотрение импичмента в Сенате cover-up, отказ вызвать Болтона развеет эту их иллюзию.

И что касается самого Болтона... What the fuck?!

Его помощники, несмотря на указания Белого Дома, дали показания в Хаусе. Это куда менее, чем Болтон, защищенные люди. Болтон же играет в какие-то непонятные игры.

Болтон имеет крайне ценную информацию. Сейчас Сенат рассматривает импичмент. Болтон, вместо того, чтобы сообщить эту информацию и сенаторам, и вообще американцам, помещает ее в книжку, которая неизвестно когда будет опубликована, если будет опубликована вообще.

В том, что делает Болтон, наверняка, есть какая-то логика, какой-то план. Но не может же он не понимать, что то, что сейчас происходит, важнее его личных бюрократических, или whatever they are, комбинаций.

P.S. А, да, у Белого Дома есть гениальный план для Болтона: Since Mr. Bolton’s statement, White House advisers have floated the possibility that they could go to court to try to obtain a restraining order to stop him from speaking. Such an order would be unprecedented, but any attempt to secure it could succeed in tying up his testimony in legal limbo and scaring off Republican moderates wary of letting the trial drag on when its outcome appears clear.
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