Fic updates, podfic announcement, and book rec

Jun 24, 2012 19:26

First of all, I'm currently posting not one but two XMFC fics:

1) "Appropriate Boundaries", in which Charles has been having serious problems with back cramps in the year and a half since he's been in a wheelchair. His doctor prescribes massage therapy. But when Charles meets his masseur, Erik, in some ways they begin to heal each other. So how do you cross the boundaries between professional touch -- and the personal?

2) "One Last Kiss At The End Of The World," in which Raven gets mixed up in a mutant cult, and Charles infiltrates the group, pretending to be a true believer in the hopes of getting her out. What surprises him is the charisma and uncanny wisdom of the cult's leader, Elisha Ammon -- the emotional power of this isolated group of mutants working to create a home together -- and his powerful connection to Ammon's right-hand man, Erik Lehnsherr. But Ammon's fear of humanity, and of the future, makes him desperate for control ... and when the bond between Charles and Erik can't be contained, Ammon's reaction proves deadly.

(Elisha Ammon is being played by Imaginary Benedict Cumberbatch, who had a window in his schedule.)

These are both being posted as I write; I'll update again when they're done.

Also! I very negligently neglected to inform the world that an absolutely marvelous podfic of my XMFC story "Undone" has been made by the equally marvelous
podcath. I am guilty of both neglecting the wonderful podficcer and not sharing her awesomeness with the world, though I think most of you know she's great already. If you haven't heard it already, take a listen!


Book rec! Those of you who read my journal back in the day will remember my Former Coworker Who Looks Like Michael Vartan But Who Unfortunately For Me, But Not For Him Or His Husband, Is Gay. Well, now I can add, And Is Also An Author. If you would like to read a literary novel about the gay scene in Manhattan and the complicated romances and friendships interwoven within, then may I point you to his novel? Read and enjoy!

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rec, x-men, fic, books, podfic

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