Am I the actual very last person to post their Help Haiti story? Probably. But post it I have. For the patient, long-suffering
kangeiko, I have written
this --
Title: "A Marital Education"Fandom: Pride & Prejudice
Rating: R
Summary: Darcy's impotent.
Meanwhile, the wild AU series of XMFC stories in which Charles is a former priest continues, and concludes, with
"Miracle," in which Erik's belief system is shaken to the core. Enjoy!
Finally, the marvelous
dodificus has created a podfic of my Alias story "The Backup." If you were one of the six or seven people who had a yen for Jack/Will, well, now you have
a faboo podfic for your listening pleasure. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.