Dec 21, 2011 14:26
There's a way to migrate your whole account over there, yes? To get the accounts to mirror? (I figure I should get the DW mirroring for the 11 months of paid LJ time I have left, anyway.) Importing icons? I am so confused about all of this. Someone, please, kindly explain it to me slowly, with small words, like you were trying to get it through to your grandma. Or link me to a post that explains this; I am sure there must be many.
I've never been as het up about many of the LJ changes as others have been; the downtime, annoying as it was, was due to forces beyond LJ's control and so I could deal with it. That hardly matters, though, because this latest batch of "improvements" is a dealbreaker all on its own. I still don't like DW as much as I liked LJ as it was, but it seems likely that fandom is now going to ooch on over there -- and Tumblr. I gotta get better at using Tumblr, too. WHY MUST THINGS CHANGE?
In other news, I've had my Yuletide assignment and a treat done for a week and a half, but cannot be smug, as I am scrambling to finish up my Fringe Fest story tonight ...