Despite feeling better physically, overall (and thank goodness), I have been in a funk for the past couple of days. Professional woes = woe. Weight gained = bleah. Appointment cancellations and delays = right and left. Undercovers = cancelled. Headache = intermittent. Also, RAIN.
Thank God for "Fringe"!
I thought tonight's episode was AMAZING, though it committed the fatal genre sin of believing that we will be more interested in the guest stars than the regulars. (That said, I thought X-Men boy was really quite good, and it was an interesting conundrum.) What really, really worked was the Olivia stuff -- seeing her pass over to the other universe, seeing her reactions to DreamyPeter, and above all, seeing her operate as OUR Olivia, with her usual methods and habits, even in the RedVerse. Even before the final tank drop, she was coming back.
But it's that final Peter visit -- and the final tank drop -- that totally made this episode.
That ending, where she finally lies to the Secretary? Oh, be still my heart.
I love that she destroys a snowglobe every time she crosses over. And that the Twin Towers moment from the end of S1 has been so beautifully and meaningfully reversed -- poetry, almost.
I -- I'm incoherent. Talk with me, people. I must share my love.
Whoa, did Rachel remarry her guy over the summer break? Because the last we heard of Rachel's love life, it was going not well.