I'm in a posting frenzy today, it seems.
fannish5 asks: Name the five most loving fictional moms.
I love you, Irina, but you don't make this list.
1) Helena Rozhenko, ST:TNG: This is someone who not only was able to look past generations of planet-wide prejudice and open her heart to a small Klingon boy, but who also, for his sake, taught herself how to make Klingon dishes like Rokeg Blood Pie, which do not tempt the human palate, to put it lightly. Later, as Worf grew up and identified himself more strongly with his birth culture than his adoptive culture, Helena was completely unthreatened, accepted all his decisions and only loved him as best she could. This is an awesome mom.
2) Lynn Sear, The Sixth Sense: I rewatched this film recently and was really struck by what a phenomenally good mother Toni Colette's character is. Her child is beyond difficult; before she knows he's seeing dead spirits (in and of itself difficult), she thinks he is possibly mentally ill. But she tries her hardest never to lose patience, sees his unhappiness more vividly than her own and is always, always his advocate. The final scene between her and her child in the car, after he has said he sees dead people but hasn't yet proved it, is phenomenal; she's clearly terrified that he's crazy, but when he asks her if she thinks he's a freak, she's there, instantly, saying that she believes in him and loves him no matter what. In the background of the movie, you can also see that she's not wealthy, but she's busting her ass at work to make sure her son goes to a superior school and has as good a life as possible.
3) Hilda Suarez, Ugly Betty: Hilda's a very unconventional mother in some ways, but she's done a great job with Justin. Together, she and Justin have navigated some issues that derail many families -- an absentee, unreliable father; financial hardship; Santos' death; and now her new relationships. Also, Hilda's understanding that Justin is gay has always been expressed in the gentlest, yet wholly unwavering, support. When he's ready to come out, she'll be there, and until then, she will spend her last dime buying him tickets to "Hairspray."
4) Amanda Grayson, Star Trek: Whether it's TOS or AOS, Amanda loves her boy -- and no matter how hard he works to reject his human half, she never sees it as a rejection of herself. In some ways, I think AOS Amanda comes across as even better than TOS Amanda, who may or may not have been as helpful to Spock during his rift with Sarek as she might've been; however, that's more fanon than canon, and she certainly adores and accepts him in any universe.
5) Sarah Connor, The Sarah Connor Chronicles: OK, it's tough love, but you can't tell me it's not love.