Spoilers for the season premieres of "Bones" and "Fringe" lurk within this poll, and probably within any resulting comments: ( oooh a poll with tickys lots of tickys )
I'm not sure I agree. I mean, both pairings involve Hot Old Angry People, which I'm for, but that's pretty much where the similarity ends, so far as I can tell. (Nina and Philip, for instance, appear to get along beautifully most of the time.)
My personal guess about them bringing this out is that they are going to use this to get at elements of each character's past, and in so doing explore Walter and William Bell's past, too. Originally, I know, they wanted to do more with William Bell than Nimoy has signed for, so the writers might be looking at an alternate path at getting at the backstory to our story.
This is Fringe trying a Jack/Irina-ish pairing, minus the uber-super-omg-sexual-tension-that-can-be-felt-in-mars
My personal guess about them bringing this out is that they are going to use this to get at elements of each character's past, and in so doing explore Walter and William Bell's past, too. Originally, I know, they wanted to do more with William Bell than Nimoy has signed for, so the writers might be looking at an alternate path at getting at the backstory to our story.
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