Interview Questions from inkie

Feb 04, 2004 23:32

1) When meeting a new person who asks "what do you do?" , how do you define yourself?

The answer to the question "what do you do?" is usually "Telephone Operator" (and if they want further details, it is usually, "You've heard many of those Tech Support horror stories, right? Well I'm tech support for people who can't figure out a telephone..."). I wouldn't say that that is how I define myself, though.

2) How did the whole animaniacs/Yakko thing start?

I can honestly say that the course of my life would have been incredibly different if I hadn't discovered Animaniacs. In my first two years of University, hanging out in the lounge from 4-4:30 to watch Tiny Toons was almost as popular as hanging out in the lounge from 12-1 to watch The A-Team. In the first couple weeks of 3rd year I attempted to get that going again, but didn't really have much luck. However, while sitting in the lounge watching T.T. one day, I saw an ad for a new Steven Spielberg cartoon premiering right after. I watched it and was greatly amused. The next day while watching T.T. again, into the lounge walked Tsunami Girl (who lived in my building) and limped canzonet, neither of whom I had met before. They sat down to watch, and I told them about this great show that was to follow. They watched, and Tsunami Girl at least was hooked. Soon there was a group of us getting together to watch it, forming a little fan club, and actually becoming a recognized UVic club, The Society for the Living Impaired. They even gave us a budget to buy a VCR and video tapes (which we never got around to doing). During that time, Tsunami Girl and I discovered the SCA, and while looking for a name I discovered the Welsh name 'Jaco', which happened to be pronounced like the name of my favourite Animaniacs character (when I announced my name choice to Tsunami Girl I got a sound drubbing with a lounge loveseat cushion, but the name stuck anyway).

3) Has experiencing parenthood for yourself made you think differently about your own childhood?

I think wistfully of how much safer things were then, and how much I wish I could give Zoe the freedom that I had.

4) As an artist, how did you feel when you were first creating and people publicly agknowledged your work? How do you feel when they do that now?

I've always been proud to have my work acknowledged. One thing I've tried to avoid in dealing with my art is false modesty (I think one of the best lessons the SCA can teach is how to accept a compliment), but that tends to be tempered by the fact that I'm my own harshest critic. Lately, I haven't been creating much, so there isn't much that can be acknowledged.

5) When you play Scrabble, are you playing for points or for creativity? Why?

Normally for points, because it's one of the few games I can win on a regular basis; but every now and then a word comes up that is simply too perfect (whether it be by obscurity, placement, or just fitting in with the mood of the evening) not to play.

Here's the drill:
1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

work, entertainment:television:animaniacs, art, memes, words

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