synchronicitis - the doctorate disease

Feb 22, 2005 22:06

how to make this update pithy yet engaging? informative yet involving?

okay. so, i started at the holon institute of technology last sunday night.
So Prof. Miky Ronen, (with all her unbelievable knowledge, experience and understanding
and me (with all my perfectionist performance anxieties turned super-procrastinator)
meet at my sunday evening class. she asked if she could peek in.
what am i gonna say, no?

she peeks in. she hangs around.
she stays the WHOLE DAMN CLASS.

then afterwards, she gathers me to her like a proud hen, and starts walking me to her office. she confides in me that she had an ulterior motive for sitting in. she had written my name under the academic faculty for the program (note... i don't even formally have my MA certificate yet!), and she wanted to make sure she hadn't made a mistake. (i think this means i get tenure?)

yeah... like i couldn't tell that i was being tested!
and then she was all telling me how much she enjoyed my class, and how evident it is i love teaching, and the subject... etcetc... i'll leave the cackling to her :)
(see her picture, and you'll get what i mean. the first time i met her, she had little baby ducklings on her secretary's desk.)

so, then she starts talking to me about my PhD.
I've had these grandiose dreams of Media Philosophy, looking at inter-evolutionary patterns between self and technology, and re-organizing the emergent self of our trans-modernism age.
and i will still do this, now or later.

but now - she's given me some chicken-feed for thought. she's offered to advise my doctorate. and i've started thinking about all those really practical areas that i love and want to get my fingers into...

and then, like magic, 3 separate calls for proposals land in my mailbox.
1. Digital Arts and Cultures (focus on aesthetic and cultural implications of experience design)
2. Games Learning and Society conference
3. Comparative Perspectives in Conversation Analysis

[so like, is this a sign?
or as the saying goes:
once is an incident.
twice is a coincidence.
thrice is ... [fill in blank here]

see... what i've been thinking about in the last 2 days is to look into simulation interfaces that visualize conversational patterns as a means for representing, deconstructing and reconstructing inter- and intrapersonal dynamics.

like - 3rd generation communication interfaces. way beyond silly forums. beyond blogs and wikis. how does representation of interactions create the possibility for a different reality?

and i want to investigate it in computer games. and i want to develop computer games that involve educational, social, personal and creative processes.


so. my plan is perhaps a super-applicable PhD into advanced interfaces so i can work in all sorts of crazy interface research shit. and then after do my evolutionary media degree in EGS.

later. when i have money and a phd, and don't care about whether Israeli Academia will honor a Scandinavian degree or not.
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