Haven't much felt like posting these last couple days...so now you get everything all at once!
Loved the episode! I completely empathized with Dean though I was so angry and John for giving this Adam the life Dean and Sam never got. But I was waiting to see what Kripke had planned I didn't think this episode would end the way everyone feared. Actually I predicted Adam's evil when they were in the motel. I can't say what triggered it, but when he turned on Sam I wasn't surprised at all!
And then there was the crazy coincidence! Earlier that day
missrose54 prompted me with a Supernatural story idea [Thank you so much lady! you're awesome!] she suggested the monster of the week should be a Ghoul...and what are the odds that that is exactly what Dean and Sam were facing in Jump the Shark ^_~
I haven't decided yet if I'll be using the information given in the show, or what I've read so far from
Wikipedia which says they can only be killed by flame. Head shots are cool though.
Edit: I have all kind of love for Kripke after reading the reason they chose the title
Jump the Shark made my day!
So the story idea has turned into a Brotherhood story called Watching them Fall to those of you who have noticed a pattern in my writing you might be surprised that Dean might walk away from this one without breaking bones or spilling blood. [I have to say might because although in my mind I don't see it happening...that could always change]
I'm still struggling to work on The Same Coin but in the interm it helps to have another story on the go. I was originally hoping for a one shot [and I'm still opened for more prompt ideas!] but Watching them Fall is looking like it'll be a multiparter which is also fine.
We're getting spoiled weather wise today, it got over 20/70 [depending on your method of measuring] which means that tomorrow will more than likely feel down right cold...kind of sucks when the weather does this, but it still made for an amazingly nice day to let the kitties outside to play.
I'm really proud of this picture, it's a dried out fly trap in a spiders web. Do you know how hard it is to get your camera to focus on the web when it's windy out?
Heero acting cute in the sunshine, one of the only times he gets really goofy
Take the cats outside and what do they do? Eat grass!
Lilock bush
what we call Blue Bells [but I know they're not]
Wild Violette I believe
and of course shriveled berries [cause it's what I do!]