I've been trying to get some writing done, and although I managed a little it's just not remaining steady.
ramenparty so sorry this next part of Lift me Up has taken so long, I'd wanted it posted before your wedding. But it seems I've been working backwards rather than forwards ^_~
Soon though, *fingers crossed* later this week ^_~
I'd wanted to take a wander through the Public Garden ever since I first saw it, and this was my chance. I'd also wanted to shoot some more pictures around Halifax for my mom ^_~
So this would be what you see when you leave Kate's apartment or look out the kitchen window.
I absolutely love the coloring on these houses!
this would be the side of a Fire House not far from Kate's street.
this is the street that the fire house faces and crossed the street I was following towards Spring Garden, I can't remember the name of the street I was walking.
More houses on the street I was following
And this would be Spring Garden.
and here comes the Public Garden ^_^ so pretty!
This would be from the outside
and all these from the inside ^_~
I went immediately to these flowerbeds with the largest flowers I'd ever seen ^_~
these would be my favorite!
This park could be a nice place to hold a wedding or at least wedding photos, but I think it's a little too publicly used for such a personal event. Although Kate tells me this is where all the girls go during prom season to get their pictures taken ^_~
they had these wonderful flowerbeds throughout the garden, I won't go so far as to say no two were a like, but they were certainly different ^_^
and beautiful statues, I also noted plaques at the bases of most trees, though I never took the time to see what they were for.
And another big flower!
more unique flower beds
more macro flowers!!
Beautiful pond with what looks like the Titanic floating in it ^_~
What's a pond without ducks ^_~
Lots of ducks! *quack*
Alright enough with the ducks...for now ^_~
aww look a sleepy duck ^_~
Last ducky I believe
But not the end of clouds and trees with character ^_~
This was a really extensive fountain right next to a beautiful old willow tree
I absolutely loved this old tree!
and its gnarled old truck
Look at the cherub on the fish, he's actually holding reins made of ivy, there's such excellent detail here.
My mom likes taking pictures of empty park benches, so for her I took this picture.
I really didn't spend all that much time in the garden ^_~ I just made the most of my time ^_~
I would be interested to see down to the second how much time was taken between pictures ^_~
The last picture of macro flowers I think ^_~
I would have never forgiven myself if I hadn't gone through this garden!
So after I'd finished in the garden I headed down to the harbor, to go buy my bracelet, I'm really happy with how it turned out!
From there I headed to the Starbucks to wait for Kate to get off work.
This is the very last picture that I took, I can't remember if I said this before. I usually like to take pictures from the plane and even specifically asked for a window. But I unfortunately got seated right above the wing, which didn't leave much room for photo taking...Oh well next time ^_~