I feel like continuing the massive posting of pictures ^_~
Yesterday in Kingston was a good time, beautiful weather down on the water I would have liked to stay a little longer, but they're coming down next weekend.
alright on to the pictures!
thankfully wasn't a really REALLY early morning, and we got to see Bill and Lindsay before they took off for their honeymoon ^_^
These first few pictures are of St Agatha, just outside our motel.
This is the bridge again, a train running beneath it.
I took quite a few pictures of the trans canada highway as we were heading back to Nova Scotia, it really is a beautiful stretch of road.
here's my tree road upfront the entire way back, it's still in Halifax though cause I couldn't find a way to ship it home with me.
this next pictures was taken on the outskirts of Fredericton.
I think we did the best we could considering how long we were in the car for, on the way back to Halifax. From Edmonston straight to Halifax it was just four of us, music and my PSP ^_~
We stopped briefly to get gas and find out were the nearest Big Stop was ^_~ as Kate found out I'd never been to one before ^_~
The Big Stop really impressed me! good food, delivered fast ^_~
Big Mouse ^_^
Kim molesting the Big Stop Menu ^_~
Kim you're so much fun to be around!! ^_^
So like I was saying awesome food, fast, free internet too, and I wish I had a picture of the desert i ordered ^_^ it was a piece of cake the size of my head!! ^_^ I tried to give it as good a home as I could ^_~
Big Stop = teh awesome!
clouds, more clouds!
would have preferred this pictures without the wires but what can you do?
well there's the last picture that I took of the trip back, just a little bit more to go and then the show and tell of my trip will be completely done ^_^