Well it made me laugh...

Mar 17, 2006 22:59

From The Independent, March 16, reported by Johan Hari

One group of Afghan men have discovered a non-violent way to drive out occupying troops.... It's easy: try to shag the marines. Troops stationed around Bagram base have reportedly refused to serve and "fled in horror" after a tribe of gay Afghans kept hitting on them.
"It was hell", Corporal Paul Richard said. "Every village we went into to we got a group of men stroking our hair and cheeks and making kissing noises". He later commented, "Lots of guys turned tail and fled. It was hideous".
So, opponents of the occupation - enough with you conversions to jihadism. Convert to homosexuality and you'll be free, free, free.

It don't know if it's true, it reads like a Monty Python sketch, but it made me giggle :o)


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