Good-Bye, Thank You! Tschüs, Dankeschön!

Oct 18, 2011 23:20

Short entry, short people, short video.I mentioned in an earlier post that I had the impression of Matsushima Sou and Marius Yo are getting along very well. The latest episode of "Johnnys Jr. Land"  has strenghted my view. It was really cute how Marius clinged to Sou during the "Brain Mirror" part everytime the scary sounds ringed out and how Sou reacted to that. Anyways, the following clip is not from this section, it is from the "Making of" of the Jr.Land commercial, but I think the good chemistry between them is even more visible here. At the end of the clip we get to hear Marius speaking German on Sous demand, but obviousley he wasn't really prepared to switch back from Japanese to German suddenly, since his words didn't made much sense ("And I'm very, very happy and..happy. And thank you..and..the next time. Goodbye."). But the reason I post this is what follows.
I know it's silly that it makes my heart jump and my face smile like an idiot  just because my favourite Johnny suddenly speaks in my native language, but I don't care at all :)  
Download :  MF
(Note: This is not a HQ Clip)

marius yo, matsushima sou, download: video

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