
Aug 03, 2012 22:33

дорогі друзі. я не хочу вас ігнорувати, але цей запис зроблено англійською мовою. він про мою улюблену групу Red Hot Chili Peppers, яка має великий вплив на мене. я знаю i люблю їх вже десять років (раніше я не знала, що то RHCP)))). і недавно збулась моя мрія, і я побувала на їхньому концерті. але я не думала, що вони залишать аж таке велике враження. я вже кілька днів носила думки, які вчора так мене розпирали, що я в метро дістала свій старий блокнот і написала щось таке:

it‘s going to rain. or it just seems to be. it became a bit colder after a few sweltering days in a row. cold enough to switch on my brain to write the post on beloved RHCP concert.

Kyiv show was really great!!!!!

As a mentioned before after three or four songs (i’ll check it later) AK arrived shirtless and handsome and said:

"Now it's the best moment...

Emotionaly speaking...

Architectually speaking...

You & me ...speaking"

He knows how to use words. He used to study writing at the university.))) Anthony Kiedis is really talented. And there are many bright philosophic pieces like this among the lyrics of their songs. I love it. It creates my mind's elation. I pay much attention to their lyrics, not only the music.

They did help me to get through the first year at the university where I studied linguistics, English linguistics and ... not to hate English.

I'm writing in English. Am I? O_o Yes, I am.
Because they make me think in English. RHCP thinkin'.))))

I think the language is worth learning even just to understand the band's lyrics. ^^

since the concert I've remembered me being freshman listening to their music to get releavead, not to think on studing.
now i know that it's better to be on RHCP, than on something worse, you know.

I'm so glad and happy now that would like to embrace the whole world. AK, you know, now l understand the love and energy you often mentioned (for sure going from God), you would like to share.  ^^

Thanks You, God for such people like Anthony Kiedis, Flea and others making our life brighter.

Some pics from the concert:

music, rhcp

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